Millions who don’t yet have a manufactured home are at times baffled by why millions of others love living in a good manufactured home community. A good manufactured home community provides the features and advantages that Rob Gray and Chelsea DeHann describe in this video interview.
Let me say what they don’t on camera. Besides saving a ton of money on their home, they’ve also saved big money in property costs. By buying their home and leasing their location, they save on property taxes. What they pay for leasing their site is a very smart trade-off for a great location – which they’ll tell you about in their own words.
Hearing why these parents feel so good about raising their son at Wyngate Farms in Kalamazoo, MI is a lesson that goes well beyond that location. If you happen to be in the Kalamazoo area, check this location out for yourself. But keep in mind that there are thousands of places in the U.S. that could make a fine place for you or your loved ones to call home; and they can be purchased for about half the cost of building new on-site.
With budgets tight for millions, this is a quality, affordable and appealing lifestyle that just makes sense for those who will take a good, honest look. More insights are coming in the days ahead, so check back soon and do see and share other videos on the Inside MH Road Show series on You’ll be glad you did. ##