Where Are You Headed This Summer?

We are asking the question, where are you headed this summer? But almost the same question could be asked about any season of the year.


Where are you heading in life?

What do these questions have to do with quality affordable new home living?

A Lot. And it’s so simple.

The less you spend on your housing, the more you have for everything else in your life.

That “more you for everything else” can included travel.

As the 42-second sponsored video below tells us, when you spend less on housing, you can spend more on anything else in your life that you want to invest in. That includes anything you want to spend or on, or give more of your time and money towards doing.  BTW, the video features real manufactured home owners, plus two experts, not actors.

Or, if you can spend the same amount as you’ve already budgeted for housing and get more home for your money.

A manufactured home isn’t the answer for every scenario. But it can be a wise option for millions.

Who says? Value Penguin, which data from Alexa suggests is in the top 2 percent of all websites in America. Value Penguin says, “Our mission is to provide clarity on the financial decisions facing consumers everyday.”

To see that Value Penguin article, click the linked image below.


As you may recall, Bloomberg, Realtor, Fox News and HousingWire are among others in mainstream media, or third-party researchers who have touted the manufactured home option.  You can circle back to the next linked article later, for more insight.

Bloomberg, HousingWire, Realtor and Fox all suggest Manufactured Homes as Important Solution for Affordable Housing in America

Eric Belsky, a prestigious Harvard University researcher not only studied manufactured homes, but predicted that it would in time dominate conventional housing.

As the article on popular Value Penguin said, FEAR keeps millions from getting a manufactured home. What is fear? Think of it as an acronym, “False Evidence Appearing Real” = F.E.A.R.

Check out and share the eye-opening article on Value Penguin about today’s manufactured homes.

Learn more, click here.

Then come back to MHLivingNews to learn more about why millions of Americans, including frugal millionaires and even some billionaires have chosen a manufactured home for themselves.


Education, and the fascinating facts about manufactured homes today will cast out any “False Evidence Appearing Real.” ##


By L. A. “Tony” Kovach.


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