
When asked, tell your friends and co-workers that You can Live Better when your Housing costs Less

modular_home__champion_home_builders_incSometimes people ‘don’t get it’ when it comes to manufactured home living and its advantages.

When you have a family member or friend ask you, why do you like living in a manufactured home? Start with the reason that may blow them away!

You can live better when your housing costs le$$.

What do you like or want to do? Do you:

  • Like to travel?
  • Enjoy shopping?
  • Want to save money for education (for yourself or others in your household or circle)?
  • Want to enjoy your retirement more?
  • Want to support a cause, church or charity more?
  • Want a nicer vehicle?
  • Want less financial stress?

All of this and more is possible, when your housing costs are lower! Saving money on utilities, maintenance or on taxes due to the mortgage interest deduction are among the ways that a nice manufactured home can positively change your life.

Sometimes people talk about manufactured homes and wind storms, especially during “tornado season.” We will cover that subject in more depth later. For now, remind them that a strong enough tornado will take out schools, commercial building, conventional houses and manufactured homes. It just depends on what the tornado hits. Another fact is that you are 70 times more likely to die in your bath tub than die from a direct tornado hit on your manufactured home.

Help you friends and family discover all that money savings on their next home can mean, without sacrificing quality, appeal or safety. There are good reasons that manufactured home sales are rising rapidly in 2012.##

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