Trends and Information About Manufactured Housing


The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has a report on the Trends and Information About the Manufactured Housing Industry in 2012. Their ‘Quick Facts report is attached as a free download, below.

This insightful report includes:

  • a MH Industry Overview.

  • Who Lives in Manufactured Housing (demographic information).

  • Cost comparisons to conventional housing.

  • New Manufactured Homes Placed For Residential Use

  • Financing options.

  • Photos, diagrams and much more!

A few points about the report might be helpful for a first time user.

In the opening, it states that the savings on a manufactured home can be 10-20%. This is accurate in some markets, but the savings is greater in other markets, as is clearly reflected in the national savings comparison further in the report, on page 4.

Also, the report accurately shows a number of finance options. Some of these may have a lower down payment than is shown on page 6 of the report. For those shopping for a manufactured home, the best bet is to contact the state association, retailer(s), developer(s) or land lease communities in your market.

Manufactured Housing Institute MHI Quick Facts-2012-report


About the Manufactured Housing Institute

The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) is a nonprofit national trade association representing all segments of the manufactured and modular housing industries, including manufactured and modular home builders, suppliers, retailers, community developers, owners and managers, insurers, and financial service providers.

From its headquarters in Arlington, Va., MHI works to promote fair laws and regulations, increase and improve financing options, provide technical analysis and research, promote industry professionalism, remove zoning barriers, and educate external audiences about the benefits of manufactured and modular housing. Through these various programs and activities, MHI seeks to promote the use of manufactured and modular housing to consumers, developers, lenders, community operators, insurers, the media and public officials so that more Americans can realize their dream of homeownership.

Their website is at and you can email them at ##

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