
Time Elapsed Video Shows How 77 Homes Were Installed in 10 Days

A six-story modular/prefabricated apartment building was installed in just 10 days, by using an off-site building system.

The Australian company, Hickory Building Systems, was used by developers Goldmaster Enterprises and general contractors Goodland Building Company. 


The goal? 

To achieve new standards of affordability, “greener,” sustainable building that was faster to complete the 77-unit apartment high-rise.

The video gives a time-elapsed view of how the project unfolded.

It also provides several details about the project.  The bullets at the end clearly lay out how well the company’s facts and figures say they did at achieving their goal.

In Europe, the Americas, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and other places around the world, factory construction is taking root. Prefab and modular savings can be significant.  Manufactured home savings can be even higher.  Per the U.S. Census Bureau, it can often be 40, 50 percent or more under the cost of new, single family conventional construction. 


With performers, millionaires, and billionaires embracing factory home building in America, is there any good reason for the rest of the nation to ignore them? ##

LATonyKovachMHLivingNewsMHProNewsManufacturedHomeIndustryPublisherMarketingSalesTrainerConsultant--575x320By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach to MHLivingNews.

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