This is the home of a couple that we interviewed, one of scores of actual manufactured home owners.

The First Step to Problem Solving and #HousingChoice

The first step to solving a problem, said the late Zig Ziglar, is to admit that a problem exists.


Manufactured homes are widely misunderstood. But why? The facts – when carefully examined – speak well about today’s manufactured homes, as a few video interviews on this page from experts and actual homeowners alike suggests.

So why is there such confusion, so much misinformation?

Sharyl Attkisson is an award winning, independent journalist. She used to work for CBS News.  For whatever reasons, her interest in following a controversial issue some years back ultimately led to an eventual separation.



In this TEDx Talk video, Attkisson explains that news is framed by powerful interests that have an agenda.

If you or I said that out loud in a group, we might be labeled as a ‘conspiracy theorist.’ But Attkisson gives examples, explains how she’s done her homework, followed the money, and states that she isn’t trying to take a side in a partisan fight.

Rather, she examines in an objective fashion the issue of “fake news.” By the way, she isn’t say that all news is fake, but that some is clearly agenda driven.  She then gives examples of how to spot those agenda driven news items.



We launched MHLivingNews years ago with the simple idea of debunking misinformation, while sharing the good news about contemporary manufactured homes.  Along the way, we’ve also done stories about those who live in true mobile homes, meaning a factory—built home built on a frame prior to June 15, 1976. So our ‘agenda’ is out in the open, but we also provide the evidence, so that thinking people can see reality for themselves.

The Ultimate Manufactured Home infographic.


Rephrased, on MHLivingNews, we’ve spotlighted third-party expert reports, not just made bland claims or shared mere opinions.  In the video below, HUD Secretary Carson – whose federal agency heads up the manufactured housing program’s standards is giving Senate testimony.  The questioner is North Carolina U.S. Senator Thom Tillis, who says he grew up in a pre-HUD Code mobile home.



The videos like the ones posted are genuine interviews, we didn’t pay someone to say this or that. In fact, as those who watch these videos will note, they are unscripted. Authentic.  In the case of the focus group below, we provided them a meal, so we could get candid feedback from them, most if not all of whom first owned a conventional house.



Yes, we frankly admit that our agenda is to make manufactured homes better understood, and more accepted. Why? Because it’s already a proven solution for tens of millions of Americans. Also because it could and should be embraced as a common-sense, proven option by some of the tens of millions who live in rental housing, or millions of others who may want to downsize from an expensive house, into a more affordable home.



We call it #HousingChoice.  It’s America. You should be allowed to choose what kind of home goes on the property you buy.



Arguably, that’s already federal law. The next question is, why isn’t that federal law robustly enforced? To explore those issues, see the related reports further below.



But for now, watch Attkisson’s description of how news works behind the scenes from someone who knows. Because she did it so well, she won awards for her work.

Then think #HousingChoice as you explore or support the cause of America’s most proven form of affordable quality permanent housing. That would be today’s manufactured homes. “We Provide, You Decide.” ©. ## (Lifestyle news, commentary, and analysis.)

(Third party images are provided under fair use guidelines.)


Submitted by Soheyla Kovach, co-founder of and Soheyla is son Tamas (pronounced like Tah Mash), and her husband and Tamas’ father, L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.  (FYI – Soheyla is pronounced like it is spelled = So Hey Lah).




Related Reports: Click the linked boxes below to learn more about that subject.

Manufactured Homes Could Help Solve the Affordable Housing Crisis, So, Why Aren’t More Manufactured Homes Being Sold?

Elvis Presley’s Personal Mobile Home Restored, Honeymoon Hideaway Up for Auction


Discovering a 9 out of 10 “Mobile Home Park” Lifestyle

FEAR, a Solution to the Affordable Housing Crisis, and the Manufactured Home Dilemma

Evolutionary American Dream, from Tiny Trailer Houses, Mobile Homes, to “Amazing” Modern Manufactured Homes

“The Solution to the Affordable Housing Crisis is Hiding in Plain Sight”

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