
Posters Proclaim Powerful Points

Sometimes posters or photos and a short message tells a story quickly and dramatically


that a thousand words can’t express as well. For example. Imagine bringing a ton of car parts to a driveway and building a car outdoors. Clearly, it is better to buy a factory built car than one built on site. The same is true for buying a factory built home vs a conventional site built house.


News and weather men can often be a kinda funny in their reporting on manufactured homes. All too often, they may wrongly imply or state that factory built homes blow away in winds, as if all other houses hit be a tornado can’t be destroyed. Those errant news people are surrounded by equipment and a set made in a factory. If you misuse the video or other news equipment, would it be the equipments’s fault? No.

In the same way, a properly installed factory built home are tough as this video linked here proves. If you don’t install a manufactured home properly, it is no more the fault of the home than misusing a piece of news equipment would be.


 The two photos of destroyed houses in the collage in the third poster above are neighborhoods of conventional houses leveled in a tornado. Who do the FEDs call upon to provided rapid disaster relief? Manufactured home builders!

If you live in a manufactured home, you already know the value. If you are curious about the Manufactured Home Lifestyle, these 3 thought provoking, common sense posters, remind us of THE TRUTH about the quality, wisdom and value of manufactured homes.

Check out the videos and other articles to learn more about the manufactured home lifestyle. Share the link to this website with your friends. ##

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