Search Results for: monopolization

American and California Feudalism The Squeeze on the Middle and Working Class – Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky – Chapman University


The title to the report linked here is California Feudalism – The Squeeze on the Middle Class. But research authors Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky for the Center for Demographics & Policy at Chapman University themselves point out the relationship of their report to those who want to see America become more like California. They also use the phrase “working …

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Warren Buffett’s “Moat” per Kevin Clayton, CEO Clayton Homes Interview Transcript, Video – Affordable Housing and Manufactured Homes


“We study history in order to understand the present and to prepare for the future. Because anything that’s happened before can happen again.” – House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (SC-D) on 2.29.2020.   When you limit or destroy competition, you are by definition limiting and harming consumer opportunities. That in turn leads to a variety of problematic outcomes, which the …

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Coming Epic Affordable Housing Finance Clash? Chair Maxine Waters vs. Warren Buffett – Clayton Homes – Historic Challenges Ahead


“Facts are stubborn things.” – Mark Weiss, J.D., President and CEO of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR).   Near the epicenter of what could become a cosmic clash in the year 2020 are events that have their origin approaching 2 decades ago. Much more recently, Congressional Representative Maxine Waters (CA-D) signed a letter with some of her …

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Chanukah, Christmas and Traditional “It’s a Wonderful Life” Staring Warren Buffett as Mr. Henry Potter


Hanukkah or Chanukah, they are each a name for a minor Jewish feast that celebrates a Festival of Lights.   For Christians, the birth of Jesus celebrates the True Light that came into the world to set believers free. The two religious celebrations are often quite close or overlap on the calendar. Near the darkest – least amount of daylight – …

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Giant Manufactured Home Community Operator and Manufactured Housing Institute Member – RHP Properties – Backs Down; HUD, FHFA, Nonprofits and You


“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln.   Preface before addressing the headline issues: Steve McDonald reminds us in the intriguing lyrics from the title song of Sons of Somerled that there’s been times when the sword is mightier than pen. Today, sometimes money seems to outweigh pen and sword, although …

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FHFA, GSEs – High Cost to Minorities, All Americans – Due to Asserted Failures to Follow Duty to Serve Affordable Housing, Existing Federal Laws


The following are the comments as prepared for the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) virtual listening session scheduled for Wednesday 12.11.2019.    — FHFA Listening Session Comments by L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach, Publisher of,, Award-Winning Manufactured Home Industry Expert and Consultant ( and   Speakers addressed the Washington, D.C. Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Duty to Serve …

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Five Point Plan for Affordable Housing and Manufactured Home Living Recovery


Preface. This article will first outline a five-point plan for affordable housing and manufactured home living recovery. Then, it will give some specific examples of why this plan makes more sense than others that are being discussed. Interlaced with that will be facts, evidence and specific examples of how the battle for affordable housing has been weaponized by some powerful …

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Examining Realtor Kristina Smallhorn’s “5 Biggest Lies About Manufactured (Mobile) Homes” – Video and Analysis

ExaminingRealtorKristinaSmallhorn5BiggestLiesAboutManufacturedMobileHOmesVideosAnalysisManufacturedHomeLivingNews says that Kristina Smallhorn goes by the moniker, “Your Real Estate Whisperer.” She tells those pondering the housing markets ‘secrets’ and insights that others may not realize. Manufactured Home Living News (MHLivingNews) stumbled across Smallhorn’s video last night, and we knew right away that we had to share it. Not because we think she’s made is a perfect video, …

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Addressing Growing Affordable Housing Crisis, Income Inequality by Enforcing Good Current Laws – Illustrated Report, Analysis


Complex problems cited in the headline can be simplified by making this specific point. Affordable housing and income or wealth inequality are in several ways related issues. Home ownership is the most common form of wealth building in America. There are already good laws ‘on the books’ that make more affordable housing available. There are also good laws that make …

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Veterans, Manufactured Homes, the Crisis of American Business, Politics, and Policies


Let’s begin with what many will want to know every day, not just Veteran’s Day. Yes, you can buy a manufactured home with a VA – Veterans Administration – loan with as little as zero down payment. Millions who have a DD214 could qualify.     That said, veterans by definition are individuals who have or still do serve their …

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Costumes, Bridging Gaps Impacting Affordable Housing, and Manufactured Home Insights


Yesterday was Halloween, which makes today All Saints Day. In years gone by, it was customary in several Christian countries to ‘dress up’ in costumes that were supposed to remind someone of a specific saintly person. Halloween is a contraction that means “All Hallow’s (i.e.: holy, saintly) Eve” – the night before All Saint Day. Just writing those facts – …

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Manufactured Home Residents, Small Businesses, Affordable Housing Advocates, and Investor Alert


During a widely acknowledged affordable housing crisis, one would normally imagine that affordable housing would be doing very well. While some segments may be performing well, perhaps the most proven form of U.S. affordable housing ever is struggling at historically low levels. How is that possible? Furthermore, millions of Americans who live in this most proven form of affordable housing …

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Reviewing CBS News Report, “Long Live the Mobile Home”


“So, the McMansion is dead, long live the mobile home?” That was the question CBS Sunday Morning asked designer Jennifer Siegal – who is known for turning the image of ‘the trailer house” on its head. Her reply was “Absolutely.” This CBS News video was previously featured here some years ago, but it is time to bring it back for …

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HUD’s/Urban Institute’s Edward Golding Knew, Because Manufactured Housing Institute’s Lesli Gooch Told Him


First, the good news. Then, we’ll follow the good news up with what’s problematic. This will be systematic: quotes, facts, and eye-opening insights. “People live better when they have less financial stress,” Lindsey Bostick said. “They can do more of what they really want to do with their lives when they pay less for their home.” She explained that, “I …

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“Illegal Taking” Lawsuit, Rent Control Challenge, Kurt Kelley, NPR, Manufactured Housing Review


Rent control is a hot topic in the U.S. as well as in Canada. It is an issue for those in apartments or other forms of rental housing, as well as numbers living in manufactured home land lease communities. The CBC News video below spells out the challenge in multifamily housing, north of the border. It will help tee up …

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