Search Results for: monopolization

Award-Winning Attorney Marty Lavin Sounds Alert About Manufactured Housing Institute Backed Loan Program; Home Values – Supply, Demand – Case for Manufactured Housing Sabotage


To understand the importance of the cautionary comments from award-winning attorney Marty Lavin to Mobile and Manufactured Home Living News (MHLivingNews), it is useful to understand some basics that influence all forms of conventional and manufactured homes. Access to lending plays an important role in all resale home valuations. The law of supply and demand, along with proper support by …

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Consumer Alert! “Clayton Career” Employees Rip Clayton Homes for Deceptive Tactics, Unethical, Pressure, and Allegedly Illegal Behavior – Clayton Customers Video, News Complaints


There are several possible sources for information on a company – be it Clayton Homes or any other – for those seeking an authentic snapshot. It is natural for a company to say good things about themselves. But what do current and former employees have to say? What do customers that encountered a problem have to say? Those are some …

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Manufactured Home Living – News on What’s Hot, What’s Not – Shopping Insights, Videos, Safety Data, Repair Tips, Legal and Other Controversies, More!


Creating a top 25 list of topics and reports being accessed on industry leader Manufactured Home Living News (MHLivingNews) can be a time saver. That is what this report will provide. Think of this as an index to the reports that readers like you decided are the top 25 on MHLivingNews. Additionally, following this list, there will be a similar …

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How The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and Their Corporate Masters Painted Themselves Into a Corner – Consumer Alert – News Analysis


Before launching into this news, analysis, and critique – in fairness to the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) – they describe themselves like this. “The Manufactured Housing Institute is the only national trade organization representing all segments of the factory-built housing industry.” At times, MHI has also said that they represent “all segments of manufactured housing.” They elaborate by saying that “MHI members …

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Car, SUV, and Minivan Living? “Modern Day Nomadic Americans Who Can’t Afford Housing”


It is another tragedy unfolding before our eyes. But it is also one that growing numbers are being forced to live. More Americans – who once owned or rented – are now living in their vehicles. Even before the COVID19 crisis began, with then then-booming economy, over 500,000 Americans were on the streets, in tents, or were otherwise living in …

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“Machine of Human Suffering”-Berkshire Hathaway’s Clayton Homes, Manufactured Housing Institute Attorneys Response to Allegations “Felony” Abuses – Knudson Law Legal Report by Sam Strommen


When housing is in high demand with limited supply, a natural result is that condition pushes prices up. The reverse is true too. When demand is low and supply is ample, then resale prices are lower. These facts matter to an estimated 22 million mobile and manufactured home residents, but also to other affordable housing seekers – namely, the 111 …

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“Thou Shall Not Steal,” “Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness” – Home Ownership, Other Rights Under Assault – Renters Are Being Denied Legal Rights Too


“You shall not steal.” – Exodus 20:15.  “You shall not bear false witness…” – Exodus 20:16 Those quotes are from “the Torah” or Hebrew Scriptures are the voice of God speaking to Moses. The Hebrew Scriptures are often referred to by Christian believers as the “Old Testament.” Meaning, both Christians and Jews share those texts as inspired by God. In …

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The Rodney Dangerfield of Affordable Housing – Mobile Homes and Manufactured Housing (Satirical)


How do you know you have found the Rodney Dangerfield of affordable housing? Simple. It is when your kind of housing does not get its proper respect.     One recent example of that improper respect is when a local news channel – sincerely trying to give manufactured homes a complement – can not seem to keep their video camera …

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“Fake News” & “Yellow Journalism” – Powerful Mobile Home and Manufactured Home Living Insights


In my junior high school civics class, I don’t recall a single time that we ever heard the term “fake news.” That phrase is a relatively new phenomenon. What we did get some insights on was the historic period that featured “yellow journalism.” Yellow journalism was agenda-driven news. It’s defined below. By the mid-20th century, journalism was increasingly taught to …

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Kingsley Management Corp, Provo, Utah & Maplewood Estates Manufactured Home Community in Omaha, Nebraska – Consumer Alert – Resident Outrage Against Kingsley “Mobile Home Parks”-Targeted by Multiple State Attorney General, Media Investigations


Preface. From the New York Times to local ABC 6/WOWT, reports about aggressive, problematic behavior, including threats of eviction for ‘rules infractions’ have been coming in with respect to Provo, Utah based Kingsley Management Corporation owned Maplewood Estates manufactured home community in Omaha, Nebraska. Before diving into the details of that report, a broader cautionary notice is warranted for any …

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Edward Bernard (“Bernie”) Pagel at “Ed Pagel’s Trailer Park” v Robert S. Shapiro, First Assistant Attorney General, Colorado Department of Law-Cease and Desist Order Controversies

“You know, for people like us [i.e. big mainstream media journalists], we do the job based on who’s in power.” – Chris Cuomo, CNN Anchor speaking to Anderson Cooper of CNN, during show handoff on 11.16.2020.   “Az aki ezt mondta, az modtad, te vagy.” – Magyar Maxim (translation further below.) Emotion, facts, and the implication of the various actions …

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Taxpayers Shortchanged By Big Bucks, Says Manufactured Homeowners and Elected Official


The following is from Fred Neil, who is an elected official on the Dover, Delaware city council. What Neil addresses in his letter to the editor applies to various degrees to dozens of other states. This version sent to MHLivingNews has some modest tweaks by Neil from his original, but the meaning remains the same.   Delaware Taxpayers Shortchanged by …

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“Don’t Buy the Lies” – Pithy Letters to Editor on Current and Looming Threats


On October 25, 2020, the following “letter to the editor” was published in the Ledger. Others have since republished it too. I’m a European university-educated woman from Tehran. I became a U.S. citizen in 2019. I love America and my homeland’s amazing culture. In the 1970s, after years of agitation and empty promises later proven false, Iran fell to radicals …

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Ripping Off the American Dream, Feudalism Rising, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, George Soros, Other Billionaires and “Rigged System”


Feudalism involves serfdom or ‘lord and vassal’ relationships. Facts can be uncomfortable, but they are whatever they happen to be. Willfully ignoring facts can be like denying that gravity exists – someone can do it, but they shouldn’t step off a high-rise building’s ledge and imagine they’ll survive the fall. Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and George Soros are among those …

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“All the Truth About Manufactured Homes” – Facts, Comparisons Between Trailer Houses, Mobile Homes, Manufactured Homes, and Conventional Housing


The following is from Pissed Consumers at this link here and is republished with their permission. The illustrations are added by MHProNews, unless otherwise shown. Note that some 40 million visits a year occur at Pissed Consumers, per their home page data.     The Home Construction Industry is very popular among consumers on our review platform. People leave their …

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