Search Results for: monopolization

Why So Few Affordable U.S. Homes? Federal & Other Research – Monopolies, Moats, Manufactured Housing – Impacts Renters, Current Manufactured Homeowners, Conventional Homeowners, Most Americans


When someone wants to understand the lack of affordable housing in the U.S., by reading published studies from a range of sources, a few common facts emerge. The underlying causes of the affordable housing crisis observed by experts and partisans are often similar regardless of which of the two major political parties they may favor. For example, Zoning is a …

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Manufactured Home Buyers, Current Mobile/Manufactured Homeowners – Do You Want Lower Cost Manufactured Housing Loans? Practical Legal Insights – Facts & Analysis


Why is there so little competition in the manufactured home lending market? While there are several interlocking factors, one of the simplest points to make is that the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not doing the robust lending in the manufactured home market as they are doing for conventional housing. What follows is a step-by-step explanation based …

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Updated Mobile Homes, Manufactured Homes, Conventional Housing Comparisons, Data, and Infographics 2021 – Third-Party Researched Facts – From Trailers to Affordable Modern Manufactured Housing


The infographic below is the most comprehensive snapshot about modern manufactured homes and its evolution from trailer houses, into mobile homes, into manufactured homes found online today. The infographic image provides fact- and evidence-based snapshot with sources cited of manufactured housing on 6.23.2021. That image can be viewed in a larger size in many browsers, see the instructions below the …

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Historic Affordable Housing Event – How Trailer Houses, Mobile Homes, Manufactured Homes Faired in America’s Affordable Home Efforts – June 15, 1976 to Today – Videos & Reports


The American Dream has to various degrees always included the ideal of home ownership. As conventional housing prices have long been out of reach for millions with more modest earnings and/or a smaller housing budget, the evolution from 1930s-1940s era trailer houses into larger mobile homes occurred during the 1950s into the early 1970s. While many of those post-trailer house …

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Pre-Buffett NIMBY and BANANA Revelations – Not in My Back Yard —Removing Barriers to Affordable Housing – HUD Research Included Manufactured Homes – Tents vs Manufactured Housing?


Prejudice and ignorance are not bliss. Bias against affordable housing and/or manufactured homes are costly to most of society, save a few well-connected elites. In fairness, over a decade before the self-described “atheist” dark lord of Omaha entered the manufactured home industry, Americans were understandably complaining about a lack of affordable housing. Part of the problem was and remains NIMBY …

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June National Homeownership Month, Historic – “2 Million Houses a Year” – NHC Spotlights Walter Reuther Plan Could Lift Conventional Housing, Manufactured Homes, and Build Wealth for Millions of Americans


“The more things change the more they stay the same.” That’s the common translation of what French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr wrote in 1849 – “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose,” per Wikipedia and Quora. Over 66 years ago, in 1954, a well-known leader at the time named Walter Reuther made the call for building 2 million new …

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What is the Walmart Effect, Undocumented Workers, and How That Influences Affordable Housing Seekers and Manufactured Homeowners?


A documentary entitled “Walmart – The High Cost of Low Prices” presaged several of those observations by Kenton in the video posted below. But what does that have to do with affordable housing and manufactured homes? Follow along and, step-by-step, you may see how the dots connect. The stories in the video are gut-wrenching and tug at the heartstrings. Sometimes …

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Nuremberg, Americans, Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, and You, Yes YOU


Some decades ago, the first two manufactured home communities that I lived in where quite basic. There were the streets, homesites, utilities, and the manufactured homes themselves. For first-time readers, it may be useful for me to mention that I’ve owned and lived in several of the various types of housing available in America. There were conventional ‘site-built’ houses, apartments, …

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Family Promise, Clayton Homes Fighting Against or for Homelessness? Is ABC WATE 6 “On Your Side” News Peddling Clayton Homes Propaganda Intentionally or Accidentally? Searching for Facts vs Fiction


Facts matter. The true meaning of words matters too. The relationship between cause-and-effect matters. As MHLivingNews and our MHProNews sister site has each previously reported, Peter Buffett, Warren Buffett’s own son, has exposed significant problems with the so-called “philanthro-feudalism” industry. Prior to Peter’s revelations, the award winning documentary Poverty Inc, outlined numbers of problems tied to so-called charity or poverty …

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“Predatory” RHP Properties CEO Ross Partrich Announces Dozens of New Manufactured Home Communities Bought, Unpacking RHP, Sun’s Shiffman, ELS’ Nader, Frank Rolfe, Resident Leader Tim Sheahan Statements – News Analysis


The Private Equity Stakeholder Project (PESP) are among the nonprofits, media, and public officials who have called RHP Properties and other “consolidators” of land-lease manufactured home communities “predatory.” While such comments were once more commonly reserved to Democratic lawmakers, Republican officials have, in recent years, also become concerned that what is occurring in what for decades was “affordable housing” is …

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Billions in Economic Harm to Millions of Mobile Home and Manufactured Homeowners – FHFA Attorney Kevin Sheehan Responds to Mobile and Manufactured Home Living News Publisher’s “Concerns”


Even though tens of millions of Americans understandably believe that “the system is rigged,” the case can be made that the system is more rigged than most realize. The response from the Office of General Counsel at the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to this writer and MHLivingNews publisher L. A. “Tony” Kovach is an example of that which will …

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Considering a Clayton Home? Behind the Curtain of Mobile and Manufactured Home Living – Hundreds of “Pissed Consumer” Complaints Against Clayton Homes, Manufactured and Conventional Housing Builder


Before diving into the headline topic about angry Clayton Homes customers, it is important to note for accuracy and balance that there are millions of Americans that are blessed and happy living in a pre-HUD Code mobile home or a post-HUD Code manufactured home. The manufactured home business, like any profession, could be oversimplified into so-called “white hat” or ethically …

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“Calling Kevin Borden at MHAction, Kevin Borden at MHAction” – Judas Priest! – What Are You Doing, Who Are You Doing It For?


‘Calling Kevin Borden at MHAction, Calling Kevin Borden at MHAction – Judas Priest! – man!’ What are you doing and who are you doing it for? Phrases.UK explains that: “”Judas Priest” is a “swear.” It’s used on the theory that it is better to swear using the name of Judas Iscariot…who betrayed Jesus rather than saying “Jesus Christ,” taking the …

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Mobile and Manufactured Home Living Revolution Revival – “You Can Live Better When Your Living Costs Less.”


“You can live better when your living costs less.” © “Showcasing Smarter, Stronger, Stylish, Shelter Savings!” © And “Improved Living for Less.” © These are just three of several tag lines or mantras that have been provided here at Mobile and Manufactured Home Living News (MHLivingNews) over the years. While our focus has been pre-HUD Code mobile homes and post-HUD …

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Build Back Better? Lifelong Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr Event 201 Report Warns Deceptive Gates Foundation, Billionaire-Elites Backed COVID19 & World Economic Forum Tactics Leading to “The Great Reset”


Those reading this article logically fall into one of two categories. They already own a home, or they do not own a home. Those who do not own fall into two sub-categories, those who want to own a home someday, while others who may not think at this time that they want to own their own residence. For many, affordable …

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