Search Results for: antitrust

Making the Case-Why Mobile Home Univ, Impact Communities, Strive Communities-Frank Rolfe, Dave Reynolds Should Be New Manufactured Housing Institute Leaders – The View On Predatory, Deceptive, and Illegal Behavior That Dims Manufactured Home Living


As a disclosure for new readers and as detail-minded and longtime readers here know, Manufactured Home Living News takes a dim view of predatory, illegal, and unethical business practices. Then what explains this evidence-based viewpoint on making arguably notorious Frank Rolfe and Dave Reynolds the new leaders for the Arlington, VA based Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI)? Simple. Because birds of …

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“Calling Kevin Borden at MHAction, Kevin Borden at MHAction” – Judas Priest! – What Are You Doing, Who Are You Doing It For?


‘Calling Kevin Borden at MHAction, Calling Kevin Borden at MHAction – Judas Priest! – man!’ What are you doing and who are you doing it for? Phrases.UK explains that: “”Judas Priest” is a “swear.” It’s used on the theory that it is better to swear using the name of Judas Iscariot…who betrayed Jesus rather than saying “Jesus Christ,” taking the …

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“Machine of Human Suffering”-Berkshire Hathaway’s Clayton Homes, Manufactured Housing Institute Attorneys Response to Allegations “Felony” Abuses – Knudson Law Legal Report by Sam Strommen


When housing is in high demand with limited supply, a natural result is that condition pushes prices up. The reverse is true too. When demand is low and supply is ample, then resale prices are lower. These facts matter to an estimated 22 million mobile and manufactured home residents, but also to other affordable housing seekers – namely, the 111 …

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“Thou Shall Not Steal,” “Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness” – Home Ownership, Other Rights Under Assault – Renters Are Being Denied Legal Rights Too


“You shall not steal.” – Exodus 20:15.  “You shall not bear false witness…” – Exodus 20:16 Those quotes are from “the Torah” or Hebrew Scriptures are the voice of God speaking to Moses. The Hebrew Scriptures are often referred to by Christian believers as the “Old Testament.” Meaning, both Christians and Jews share those texts as inspired by God. In …

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“Fake News” & “Yellow Journalism” – Powerful Mobile Home and Manufactured Home Living Insights


In my junior high school civics class, I don’t recall a single time that we ever heard the term “fake news.” That phrase is a relatively new phenomenon. What we did get some insights on was the historic period that featured “yellow journalism.” Yellow journalism was agenda-driven news. It’s defined below. By the mid-20th century, journalism was increasingly taught to …

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Letter to President Trump on Race, Billionaires, Economic Injustice, Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, and Advancing the American Dream

LetterPresidentTrumpPhotoRaceBillionairesEconomicInjusticeAffordableHousingManufacturedHomesAdvancingAmerican DreamManufacturedHomeLivingNewsLogo

President Donald J. Trump, It is clear that the mention of your name causes rapid division between people of good will. You have strong supporters and strident opposition. What those who seek the truth should wonder, what is real, false, or somewhere in between? Where do you as president and a candidate for reelection stand on the authentic issues of …

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Manufactured Housing Action (MHAction) Funded by Warren Buffett, Chairman of “Private Equity” Berkshire Hathaway


Manufactured Housing Action (MHAction) has teamed up with other progressive organizations that have published a report linked here that ripped private equity and their “predatory” moves into the manufactured home community space. That may be, but the evidence is clear that MHAction has been supported in good measure by billionaire Warren Buffett. MHAction asks its members to sign a statement …

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Case Against Clayton Homes – Years of Legal & Regulatory Claims


“PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW WE CAN FILE A CLASS ACTION SUIT IN FLORIDA!!! Have had the same problems and run around as everyone else with Clayton Homes in Crestview Florida.” That was posted by Christine Charleston on August 1, 2019 on The all caps above are from the original quoted source. As a notice for new MHLivingNews readers, we often turn quotes bold …

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“RED-FLAG Warning” for Manufactured Home “Industry and Consumers” – Mark Weiss, J.D., President, CEO of Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform


Prior to getting into the most recent column by Mark Weiss, J.D., president and CEO of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), a few words of introduction will prove valuable. MHARR has no PAC or political action committee. They don’t endorse candidates. As an attorney, as with all good lawyers, they are taught to look at the details …

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Machiavellian Housing Institute or Manufactured Housing Institute? Why it Matters to Affordable Housing Seekers, Manufactured Homeowners


If someone wants to understand the politics and economic issues that influence affordable housing and the manufactured industry, sooner or later, one will come across the Manufactured Housing Institute or MHI. As with many organizations, MHI has its supporters and detractors. A ranking staffer in a Democratic House of Representative’s member’s office told MHLivingNews that MHI had a reputation as …

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Warren Buffett’s “Moat” per Kevin Clayton, CEO Clayton Homes Interview Transcript, Video – Affordable Housing and Manufactured Homes


“We study history in order to understand the present and to prepare for the future. Because anything that’s happened before can happen again.” – House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (SC-D) on 2.29.2020.   When you limit or destroy competition, you are by definition limiting and harming consumer opportunities. That in turn leads to a variety of problematic outcomes, which the …

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Manufactured Homeowners Interests Threatened by Manufactured Housing Institute “Deceptive” Scheme, Per Modular Home Builders Association’s Tom Hardiman


  “In general, the figures suggest that manufactured homes have seen price [appreciation] trends broadly similar to those of other homes.” – August 23, 2018 news release by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), page 24 of the federal document linked further below as a free download.    “I will never make a disparaging remark about a manufactured home. It …

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Coming Epic Affordable Housing Finance Clash? Chair Maxine Waters vs. Warren Buffett – Clayton Homes – Historic Challenges Ahead


“Facts are stubborn things.” – Mark Weiss, J.D., President and CEO of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR).   Near the epicenter of what could become a cosmic clash in the year 2020 are events that have their origin approaching 2 decades ago. Much more recently, Congressional Representative Maxine Waters (CA-D) signed a letter with some of her …

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Five Point Plan for Affordable Housing and Manufactured Home Living Recovery


Preface. This article will first outline a five-point plan for affordable housing and manufactured home living recovery. Then, it will give some specific examples of why this plan makes more sense than others that are being discussed. Interlaced with that will be facts, evidence and specific examples of how the battle for affordable housing has been weaponized by some powerful …

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Addressing Growing Affordable Housing Crisis, Income Inequality by Enforcing Good Current Laws – Illustrated Report, Analysis


Complex problems cited in the headline can be simplified by making this specific point. Affordable housing and income or wealth inequality are in several ways related issues. Home ownership is the most common form of wealth building in America. There are already good laws ‘on the books’ that make more affordable housing available. There are also good laws that make …

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