Search Results for: monopolization

Research-Data-Stats – Media & Investigator Resources – Mobile Homes, Manufactured Homes, Manufactured Housing Research – HUD, Univ-Studies, CFPB, Nonprofits, GAO, NFPA – Exec Summary, Definitions, Facts, Trends, More


500-word Executive Summary. Decades of third-party research from the late 20th century and throughout the 21st century demonstrate that HUD Code manufactured homes are the most proven form of affordable housing in U.S. history. Nevertheless, concerns and confusion about manufactured homes and industry brands exists. Evidence and applied common-sense suggest that several brand-related concerns are valid. Mainstream media reports often …

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Consumer Alert! State Records-“Years” of Negligence, ‘Safety Violations,’ “Greedy, Greedy” – Sun Communities Ripped by Residents, Manufactured Homes Damaged at Manufactured Housing Institute Member Community Owner – Facts and Analysis


With that backdrop, let’s dive into the specifics of several residents stated to media or posted online about Pine Hills community in Middlebury, IN. That will be followed by additional information – good and bad – about Sun Communities (SUI), which for years has had a reasonably good reputation. Mention will be made to other operations that happen to be …

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Why is Manufactured Housing Misunderstood? Follow the Money Report – Bill Gates, Warren Buffett Ally, Huge “Conflicts of Interest” Mammoth Funding Influencing Mainstream Media – Fresh Facts and Analysis


Why is manufactured housing so widely misunderstood? Does anyone with even modest reasoning ability seriously doubt that if some of the richest people in the world wanted manufactured housing’s positive realities and tremendous potential to be better understood, that those with deep pockets and extensive media or tech resources are capable of making the truth better known? Hold those thoughts, …

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Michigan Manufactured Housing Association (MMHA) Highlights Three Lesser-Known Advantages of Owning a Manufactured Home, More Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), Affiliates Embarrassment? Analysis  


While there can be regional differences between manufactured homes, the videos and ideas found in this report are generally available in most any part of the U.S. That said, on November 2, 2021 Yahoo News – and now MHLivingNews – picked up a press release provided by the Michigan Manufactured Housing Association (MMHA).  The MMHA is deemed to be an …

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Baptist News Global – “Manufactured Homes and Just Zoning Laws Can Transform Working Poor” Rev Ivory L. Mewborn, Mayor Pro-Tem of Ayden, NC


Baptist News Global (BNG) published a factually supported op-ed by Ivory L. Mewborn entitled “Manufactured Homes and Just Zoning Laws Can Transform Working Poor.” BNG said that Mewborn “is a minister, the mayor pro-tem of Ayden, N.C., and vice chair of the Pitt County (N.C.) Human Relations Council.” Per Mewborn’s BNG article, “As we fulfill our daily Christian walk, struggling …

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Clayton Homes GC Thomas “Tom” Hodges, Manufactured Housing Institute Chairman, Slapped by BPR Complaint – Facts, Claims – Why It Matters to Affordable Housing Seekers


On paper, much of what Clayton Homes General Counsel, Thomas “Tom” Hodges, J.D., has said or written over the years may seem fine from the viewpoints of certain quarters involved in the battle for more affordable housing in general, and more manufactured homes in particular. But according to the information, evidence, and reasoning in a complaint with the Tennessee Bar …

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USA Seemingly Stumbles, Affordable Housing Crisis Deepens – HUD OIG Complaint Hits Office of Manufactured Housing Programs Teresa Payne, HUD Sec Marcia Fudge – Why it Matters to Most Americans


Inflation. Afghanistan. Supply chains problems. Southern border. COVID19 vax mandates. Soaring housing costs. A series of apparent blunders and oversteps of authority are behind Joe Biden’s plunging approval. Which makes it odd at best that the National Housing Conference (NHC) President and CEO’s David M. Dworkin, who has spoken favorably about support for manufactured homes, recently said to fellow “housers” …

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“Ain’t We Got Fun” – Peggy Lee, Doris Day, Lyrics, Videos – Surprising Insights plus a Key to More Affordable Home Ownership – Fun, Fraud, Facts and Analysis


Let’s start with the lyrics to two different versions of the song, “Ain’t We Got Fun.” The earlier version is from Peggy Lee, later it was performed by Doris Day. How this relates to more affordable home ownership will be made clear on the far side of these two versions of the lyrics and related videos.  It is noteworthy that …

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Manufactured Home Showcase – Novi Home Show October 8-10, 2021, Stunning, Embarrassing Manufactured Housing Institute Revelations – Facts & Analysis 


At the Novi Home Show, on October 8-10 at Suburban Collection Showplace, Novi in Michigan, there will be several brand new, upper scale manufactured homes on display that can be toured at no additional admission cost. Meaning, there are other things occurring at the Novi Home Show, and if you attend anyway, then your fee-entry into the show also is …

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AP, Denver Post Rips Rolfe, Reynolds, New Manufactured Home Resident Protection Law Implementation – The MOAT – Consumer and Advocacy Alerts, Facts Checks, Analysis 


“It’s unbelievable how much you don’t know about the game you‘ve been playing all your life.” – Mickey Mantle per BrainyQuote and opening quote in hit Moneyball.   “I didn’t even want to meet Warren [Buffett] because I thought, ‘Hey this guy buys and sells things, and so he found imperfections in terms of markets, that’s not value added to society, that’s a zero-sum game that …

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“Tricks of the Trade” Manufactured Housing Institute Award Winner Yes! Communities Threatened Disabled Grandmother Current on “Lot Rent” With Eviction-Local Attorney, Consumer Advocates Step In


It is a troubling story that has a better-than-expected ending. But former nurse Laurie Myers had to appear in Knoxville, TN “General Sessions Court on Tuesday, Sept. 14,” where she was told to expect “to be officially evicted from Amherst Ridge.” Amherst Ridge is a land-lease manufactured home community that per an informed local source was once owned by Clayton …

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HUD’s Own Report Confirm Alarms – HUD Officials, Manufactured Housing Institute Leaders Duck Charges of Racial Bias, Dereliction, Thwarting Racial Equity, More in “Plant A Home” Program


Words may sound good but are at times proven to be devoid of meaningfully matching action. A new HUD PD&R report effectively confirmed and amplified several findings in an August 2021 research report and analysis on MHLivingNews entitled “Why So Few Affordable U.S. Homes? Federal & Other Research – Monopolies, Moats, Manufactured Housing – Impacts Renters, Current Manufactured Homeowners, Conventional …

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Former Cavco Industries and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Chairman, Joseph “Joe” Stegmayer & Cavco (CVCO) Hit by SEC Suit, Why it Matters to Manufactured Homeowners, Affordable Housing Seekers, Others


The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which is the primary regulatory of U.S. stock markets, announced a legal enforcement action against Cavco Industries over conduct involving former Cavco Chairman and CEO, Joseph Stegmayer, Daniel Urness, and the company. Cavco issued the following press release on 9.3.2021 which states their response to the complaint. The SEC Complaint – i.e. legal pleadings …

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Lessons Learned – What $100 Million Dollar Settlement by Berkshire Hathaway Backed Apple Other Cases Teach Millions of Mobile/Manufactured Homeowners & 1000s of White Hat Independents – Laws, Facts & Analysis


Properly understood, existing federal laws are routinely and broadly speaking on the side of residents and white hat independents who believe they are being victimized by “predatory” firms operating in the manufactured housing industry.  With that statement in mind, Berkshire Hathaway backed Apple’s recently announced settlement of $100 million dollars in a class action antitrust lawsuit filed against Apple by …

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Affordable Housing and Financial Common Sense – Good Policies and Economics Consist of Considering Immediate and Long Term Effects for All, Not Just Some Favored Group(s) – Hazlitt, Bastiat


“The art of [good] economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups.” – Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson. What is true for honest individuals should also be true for a …

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