Search Results for: freddie mac

‘Statutes Should Prohibit Restrictive Zoning Standards for Manufactured Homes’ says Law Prof. Daniel R. Mandelker ‘Org Needed for Manufactured Housing Advocates Litigation and Legislative Support’


“Getting Zoning for Manufactured Housing Right” is a working paper published by the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy authored by Daniel R. Mandelker. The Lincoln Institute says the following about Mandelker. “Daniel R. Mandelker is the Howard A. Stamper Professor of Law Emeritus at Wash U Law and is one of the nation’s leading scholars and teachers on land use …

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‘We Own a Manufactured Home’ – Expert in Mobile Home/Manufactured Home Living Sounds Off, Neighbor Declares – ‘You Took a Mobile Home and Turned it Into a Palace!’ – What All Should Know


Unless you are a daily or regular visitor to one of our websites, odds are excellent that you will learn several things about mobile homes and manufactured home living by reading this evidence-based article. You or a friend may own a manufactured home, and you may still learn several useful things about manufactured homes that are important to affordable home …

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New Research by NerdWallet, Hippo Point to Frustration and Obstacles with Conventional Housing, But Positive Options, Opportunities for Those Who Turn to Modern, New Manufactured Homes


Hippo recently published a report that said that 78 percent of those who bought an existing (think conventional) house within the last 12 months (think 2022) had “regrets.” Meanwhile, NerdWallet’s research included this statement about “The 11% of Americans planning to purchase a home in the next 12 months hope to spend $269,200, on average, according to the survey. The …

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‘The Pros and Cons of Buying a Manufactured Home’-Unpacking Lifehacker Jeff Somers’ Insights on Mobile/Manufactured Housing’s Affordable Homeownership Potential-Hits, Misses and Expert Analysis


The article by Jeff Somers about the “The Pros and Cons of Buying a Manufactured Home” being fact-checked here on Mobile and Manufactured Home Living News (MHLivingNews) below is found on the Lifehacker website. Lifehacker’s tag line proclaims: “Do everything better” – which is certainly a noble goal. Lifehacker indicates that they are part of a ‘family’ of about a dozen …

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Urban Institute – ‘The Role of Manufactured Housing in Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing’ in the U.S.A., Unpacking UI’s Deep Dive into Manufactured Homes Research in July 2022


“The Role of Manufactured Housing in Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing” is a research report published by the Urban Institute and authored by Karan Kaul and Daniel Pang. It is a sad reality that manufactured housing is widely misunderstood. Impressions about manufactured housing are often driven by old and outdated stereotypes. To address this lack of factual and evidence-based …

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‘Sitting on a Time Bomb’ – Ariana Figueroa Explains Risks to Mobile Home and Manufactured Home Community Residents ‘In Red-Hot Housing Market’ – Facts and Analysis


Prior to diving into Ariana Figuero’s insightful report on how mobile and manufactured home residents are “sitting on a time bomb,” let’s be clear. There are two facers and bad actors in pretty much any walk of life one cares to mention. So, it should be no surprise that those who communicate in a different fashion than their behavior occurs …

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DOJ-CFPB-Record Racial Discrimination-Redlining Case Settled by Warren Buffett-Led Berkshire Hathaway Owned Lender – Clayton Homes and Their Affiliated Lending Named by Seattle Times – Conventional and Manufactured Housing Claims


Clayton Homes and their lending practices is mentioned by the Seattle Times in their Associated Press (AP) news report about another Berkshire Hathaway mortgage brand that the Department of Justice described as a ‘record settlement’ for ‘racially discriminatory’ ‘redlining’ in several states by another Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) owned HomeServices financing brand, Trident Mortgage Company. Are these similar claims in conventional …

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MHARR Warns Affordable Housing and Manufactured Home Consumers, Professionals Alert on DOE Manufactured Housing Energy Rule Woes They Assert Are Connected to Manufactured Housing Institute


As part of the featured image for this report by Now Earth reflects, the number of misleading headlines and reports surrounding the Department of Energy (DOE) manufactured housing energy rule are numerous. Since June 15, 1976 all HUD Code manufactured homes had to meet specific energy standards. Those standard demonstrably saved consumers money, especially when compared with pre-HUD Code mobile …

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‘Inside a TikTok-famous luxury trailer home featuring an office, a laundry room, a 6-seat couch, and a fireplace’–Study Insider-Yahoo News Glory Lautner’s TikTok Manufactured Home Living Video


“Glory Lautner, a TikToker, wanted to challenge preconceptions about what living in a trailer [sic] is really like,” wrote Charissa Cheong for an Insider article republished by Yahoo News on Independence Day, 7.4.2022. While the terminology used by Lautner (trailer, mobile home) should not be used to describe her manufactured home, as the report linked here explains, it is common. …

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Reacting to Democratic Plans, State Republicans’ Startling New Platform, Signals Growing Debate Over Future Direction of Nation – Impact on Manufactured Home Residents, Pros, Affordable Housing Seekers


As numbers of affordable housing advocates know, Texas is the number one state in the U.S. for the production and shipments of new HUD Code manufactured homes. Texas is the second largest state in geographic size and in population. What happens in Texas has an impact on the rest of the nation. So, what recently occurred in their major party …

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Exploring HousingWire Editor Sarah Wheeler, Manufactured Housing Institute CEO Lesli Gooch Op-Ed, Support MHI Claims But Affordable Housing, Manufactured Home Industry Woes Mount


On 9.7.2021, HousingWire’s editor Sarah Wheeler authorized and published an opinion column (op-ed) by Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) CEO Lesli Gooch at this link here. This MHLivingNews editorial viewpoint will lay out several facts that shed light on why manufactured housing is underperforming during an affordable housing crisis. We’ll begin with the point that Wheeler agreed to publish a response …

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The Great Awakening, Billions Lost to Cons Annually, People of Good Will Who Want to Know, Share the Truth – Documentary Film Festival, Get Hooked Learning Vital Facts and Fascinating Solutions


“Consumers reported losing more than $5.8 billion to fraud in 2021, a 70% increase over the prior year, the Federal Trade Commission [FTC] said Tuesday. Almost 2.8 million people filed a fraud complaint, an annual record.” So reported CNBC on 2.22.2022. When you do the math, the average scam was for about $2071.43. When millions have been victimized by fraudulent …

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‘How the Many Can Defeat Corporate Money’ What Manufactured Home Community Resident Groups Can, Should Consider Doing to Pushback Against Predatory Manufactured Home Community Operators


Preface. As a disclosure, this writer has spent about half of my adult life living in manufactured homes. From Texas to Wisconsin, Illinois to Oklahoma, I’ve owned and lived in several HUD Code manufactured homes I was happy to have my friends and colleagues come to visit. I’ve also spent numbers of nights in later model mobile homes (late 1960s …

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Battle Over ‘American Dream for All’ – Obama, Biden, Trump, Rahm, Reagan – Kleptocracy, ‘The Big Lie,’ Paltering, ‘Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste’ – Joe Biden’s Stunning Dark Grace to USA


A possible tidal shift is underway in America. It is the battle over the future of the American Dream, as will be unpacked from the facts, evidence and viewpoints that follow. In the wake of 4-decade high inflation, a largely open southern border, foreign policy disasters in Ukraine and Afghanistan, domestic policy woes in fuel, food, housing, automotive, and more …

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Warren Buffett, Kevin Clayton “Moat”-Doug Ryan “Time to End Monopoly over Manufactured Housing”–MHI, Clayton Homes, Skyline Champion, Cavco Industries “Conspiracy to Restrain Trade”-Facts + Analysis


Language, markets, and more can be subject to manipulation. There are as a matter of law (federal/state) crimes known as conspiracies. A conspiracy is generally when 2 or more parties enter into an overt act to do something which the law forbids.  When a plot to break a law is actually performed, and an arrest is made, the defendants may …

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