Search Results for: DOE Energy Rule

‘Inexcusable and Major Problem’ Exclusive MHLivingNews Question and Answer (Q&A) with Mark Weiss, J.D., President, and CEO of Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR)


In the legal world, the difference between one word and another can be significant. The President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) is Mark Weiss, J.D. – an attorney. Weiss was asked by Mobile and Manufactured Home Living News ( to respond to concerns about remarks made by the Manufactured Housing Institute …

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Thanksgiving in MHVille, Backstory of Misunderstood But Most Proven U.S. Affordable Housing Solution – From Trailer Houses, to Mobile Homes, to Manufactured Housing – Modern Manufactured Homes Reality Check


It may seem like a modern miracle. It may sound too good to be true. Brand new homes with warranties and consumer protections not found in housing that is far higher priced, yet only about half the cost of conventional construction. But before getting ahead of our true story, a look back for understanding is appropriate. For decades, the secular …

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‘The Pros and Cons of Buying a Manufactured Home’-Unpacking Lifehacker Jeff Somers’ Insights on Mobile/Manufactured Housing’s Affordable Homeownership Potential-Hits, Misses and Expert Analysis


The article by Jeff Somers about the “The Pros and Cons of Buying a Manufactured Home” being fact-checked here on Mobile and Manufactured Home Living News (MHLivingNews) below is found on the Lifehacker website. Lifehacker’s tag line proclaims: “Do everything better” – which is certainly a noble goal. Lifehacker indicates that they are part of a ‘family’ of about a dozen …

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Reacting to Democratic Plans, State Republicans’ Startling New Platform, Signals Growing Debate Over Future Direction of Nation – Impact on Manufactured Home Residents, Pros, Affordable Housing Seekers


As numbers of affordable housing advocates know, Texas is the number one state in the U.S. for the production and shipments of new HUD Code manufactured homes. Texas is the second largest state in geographic size and in population. What happens in Texas has an impact on the rest of the nation. So, what recently occurred in their major party …

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Battle Over ‘American Dream for All’ – Obama, Biden, Trump, Rahm, Reagan – Kleptocracy, ‘The Big Lie,’ Paltering, ‘Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste’ – Joe Biden’s Stunning Dark Grace to USA


A possible tidal shift is underway in America. It is the battle over the future of the American Dream, as will be unpacked from the facts, evidence and viewpoints that follow. In the wake of 4-decade high inflation, a largely open southern border, foreign policy disasters in Ukraine and Afghanistan, domestic policy woes in fuel, food, housing, automotive, and more …

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TANSTAAFL, Inflation and the Looting of the American Dream – Example of Learning How to Think, vs. Learning What to Think – Practical Lessons in Affordable Housing and Beyond


Before getting into TANSTAAFL, Inflation and the Looting of the American Dream, a brief preface is warranted. It is the editorial view of our publications that news is a mix of good things that occur alongside troubling issues that also take place. In a more perfect world, pointing out how to achieve the good is important. But so too is …

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Manufactured Housing Institute Cheerleader Suzanne Felber “Lifestylist” Exposed MHI’s Errant “Image Campaign” Why True Education, Info on Manufactured Home Living Vital in Affordable Housing Crisis


On June 26, 2016, Suzanne Felber, posted via LinkedIn this statement. “One of the biggest issues that manufactured housing has always had to overcome was image. Now that their homes have been built to federal HUD specifications for over 40 years, the days of “trailers” and “mobile homes” are long gone.” Felber had a valid point. But Felber, who has …

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Shock! Trinity Broadcasting Network Owned Lakeside Park Estates Residents Told Community is Being Closed, All Mobile Home, Manufactured Home, and RV Residents Must Move; Shoppers Alert


‘The best argument against Christianity are the bad behavior of Christians,’ so goes an old saying. It is an understandable notion. But it is based on a false premise, as Jesus himself picked 12 apostles, one of who betrayed Jesus and ten more fled the stark scene of his crucifixion. Christians can behave badly, because they and all have free …

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LATimes – “It’s a Conspiracy” – Whistleblowers, Advocates Needed – Manufactured Home (MH) Community Residents, Homeowners, Ethical MH Professionals, Public Officials and Affordable Housing Legal Pros


The Denver Post, NPR, New Yorker, Time, and years of other regional or national news media have periodically told the troubling story about affordable manufactured home community living gone awry. So, the latest report below from the Los Angeles Times (LA Times) is hardly a first, but it does add an interesting wrinkle to the tale that all affordable housing …

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Maxwell Trial Judge, Jury Verdict Expose Legal Risk “Turning a Blind Eye” – Manufactured Housing Corporate, Assoc, Trade Media, Consumer Alerts – Trial “New Legal Standard for Willful Ignorance” – Facts & Analysis


The Associated Press (AP) reported that “The British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted Wednesday of luring teenage girls to be sexually abused by the American millionaire Jeffrey Epstein. The [jury] verdict capped a monthlong trial featuring sordid accounts of the sexual exploitation of girls as young as 14, told by four women who described being abused as teens in the …

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Strommen “Felony” “Conspiracy” Case-“Monopolization” of Affordable Manufactured Housing and Manufactured Home Communities “Rube Goldberg Machine of Human Suffering” by Manufactured Housing Institute Firms – Knudson Law


Samuel “Sam” Strommen from Knudson Law forged an evidence-based and systematic case that points the finger of monopolization at Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage Corporation, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, and several specific members of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI). Minneapolis Federal Reserve professional researchers James A. Schmitz Jr and David Fettig have made their own evidence-based argument that “Monopolies Inflict Great Harm on Low- and …

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“Why We Fight Manifesto” – Decades Manufactured Housing Research Studies – Federal, University, Nonprofits, Others – Facts & Data, Problems w/Solutions for Affordable Housing and Modern Manufactured Homes


Manufactured homes are the most proven form of affordable housing in America today, period. Nothing else comes close. That is not an empty or boastful claim. Rather, that statement is based on decades of well-documented facts and evidence. There are numerous research studies, mostly from third parties to manufactured home interests, that document that some 22 million Americans live in …

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Why So Few Affordable U.S. Homes? Federal & Other Research – Monopolies, Moats, Manufactured Housing – Impacts Renters, Current Manufactured Homeowners, Conventional Homeowners, Most Americans


When someone wants to understand the lack of affordable housing in the U.S., by reading published studies from a range of sources, a few common facts emerge. The underlying causes of the affordable housing crisis observed by experts and partisans are often similar regardless of which of the two major political parties they may favor. For example, Zoning is a …

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Manufactured Home Buyers, Current Mobile/Manufactured Homeowners – Do You Want Lower Cost Manufactured Housing Loans? Practical Legal Insights – Facts & Analysis


Why is there so little competition in the manufactured home lending market? While there are several interlocking factors, one of the simplest points to make is that the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not doing the robust lending in the manufactured home market as they are doing for conventional housing. What follows is a step-by-step explanation based …

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Joel Kotkin – Warns Middle, Working Classes, Retirees – How Elite Oligarchs Control Many Democrats, Numbers of Republicans Create Neo-Fascist Ruling Elite Pushing a New Feudalism – Report & Analysis


Anything that has happened before can happen again. So said historian turned politician, Democratic House Majority Whip James Clyburn. Whatever someone’s political beliefs, or lack of them, may be – Clyburn is demonstrably correct on that point. History does not precisely repeat. But once something has occurred in human history, something similar is obviously capable of re-occurring.  Biblically, history was …

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