
New Manufactured Home Shopping – Inside MH with Dwayne Somerville, Fairfield Homes & Land – video interview

At the recent Louisville Manufactured Housing Show, we had the opportunity to sit down with a number of professionals from the manufactured home industry from across the country. We talked to giants in the MHIndustry, like Jim Clayton. We chatted with successful independent builders, like Wally Comer and Rich Rice from Adventure Homes, or Terry Decio from historic Skyline Homes. We interviewed rising stars in large and still rapidly growing firms such as Sam Landy, with publicly traded UMH Properties.


Photo credit: Hi-Tech Housing.

With Texas being the leading state in the nation in manufactured home sales, we also sat down with Dwayne Somerville, of Fairfield Homes & Land.

You’ll notice that in our interview with Dwayne, we focused on the new realities of manufactured homes, instead of on their Fairfield, TX sales center. So this should be a helpful video for those who may not have looked inside a manufactured home lately!

Dwayne talks about the various kinds of MH financing, the styles of homes you can see in the market today and much more. So “take 10” and enjoy the insights and examples of one and two story manufactured homes shared by this successful, industry professional. ##

(Editor’s note: The Bill Matchneer interview mentioned in this video is linked here. Other videos from this event will be rolling out soon, so please check back and stay tuned. Also, you can tell that Tony’s voice was a little horse from 2 days of almost non-stop interviews, seminars and talking 😉 )

l.a.tony_.kovach-publisher-manufacturedhomelivingnews-com-mhpronews-com-mhc-md-com-1By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

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