Movie Mogul Rupert Wyatt and Screenwriter Erica Beeney’s Magnificent Manufactured Home

He’s worth millions.

He’s directed hit, and critically acclaimed movies, like “Rise of the Planet of the Apes.”



Rupert Wyatt is doing season two for The Exorcist, which runs on Fox is based upon the 1973 film of the same name, based upon William Peter Blatty’s chilling book about demonic possession, also dubbed  The Exorcist.



Erica Beeney is known for The Battle of Shaker Heights (2003), and Captive State (2018), says IMBD.



Wyatt and Beeney live in Paradise Cove, overlooking chic Malibu Beach, in California.



Their home has gone on the market for $2,195,000 dollars. He bought it in the summer of 2013, says Variety, for a mere $845,000.


The home has been “designer done” with high end appliances and features, says listing agent, Juliette Hohnen. The photos shown are from Variety, or Hohnen website.


The listing agency says the home 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, and has 1850 square feet. It is installed on a home site of about 3000 square feet.  So it’s not huge, but it is elegant.

By the way, for those who don’t know, you can have a manufactured home over basements, or two above-ground levels, or both.  So someone could have a 3,000-, 4,000- or 5000-square foot manufactured home.

West coast manufactured home attorneys have told MHLivingNews that Paradise Cove in Malibu, CA is an example of rent control for the rich and famous.


This is yet another example of positive media coverage for a manufactured home land-lease community that has or still claims residents such as Minnie Driver, Matthew McConaughey, “SpongeBob Square Pants” creator Stephen Hillenburg, and Pamela Anderson.

Why Are Billionaires Attracted to Manufactured Homes?

MHLivingNews has previously highlighted others who are rich and famous, on the East Coast, or in the heartland, that call a manufactured home their own.

Lifestyles of the Rich and Frugal: Manufactured Mansions Take Their Place in the California Sun

The videos below are of two different listings in the same community as Wyatt-Beeney, but it gives you two more ‘inside looks’ at a sharp manufactured home living in tony Paradise Cove.


We like highlighting these stories for a simple reason.  If it is good enough for professional and the rich and famous, it ought to be good enough for everyone else too. ## 


“Po-Dunk” Performer Kid Rock, Eyes Senate Run, Makes Manufactured Home Living Hip

“Oh Paradigm Shift” – Million Dollar Manufactured Homes for Rich and Frugal

Elvis & Priscilla Presley Honeymooned in this Mobile Home

What do actors Pamela Anderson, Matthew McConaughey and Minnie Drive have in common with 20+ million Americans? Living in Manufactured Homes.

(Third party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)

SoheylaKovachManufacturedHomeLivingNewsManufacturedHousingIndustryDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews-Submitted by Soheyla Kovach to


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