“It’s not a trailer, it’s a manufactured home!” Inside MH with Mary Johnson, Retired Nurse

There are always some things that we miss when we’re doing video interviews with home owners, housing experts and manufactured home industry professionals. Our videos are unscripted, and so in the minutes before or after a video, I’m chatting with the person, duo or family to get to know them. During those warm ups, some things usually pop up that we’ll highlight during the interview. But it was during the wrap up, after videoing retired nurse Mary Johnson, when she said something I wish we had caught. “I’m not trailer trash,” Ms. Johnson said, with the emotion behind those words easily felt. Indeed, she is not, nor have I ever met someone who is. Mary and millions of others are proud of their homes, and rightly so.

The evolution of crank phones to smart phones is akin to the evolution of trailer houses to mobile homes to today’s high quality and appealing manufactured homes.

A big part of the motivation for doing these interviews is to dispel myths along with outdated and unfair stereotypes. But perceptions and times do change! For example, an industry colleague reminded me that 50 years ago, having a ‘trailer’ was a status symbol. Part of that was captured in the classic Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz movie, The Long, Long Trailer.

Among the insights that Mary Johnson reminds us about in this episode of the Inside MH Road Show is that today’s manufactured homes evolved from trailer houses light enough to be pulled by cars, into mobile homes that required a truck to today’s manufactured homes that demand specialized moving equipment, because they’re so heavy-built.

One of the most popular articles on MHLivingNews every month is the one that explains…


It should be self-evident that manufactured homes are stronger, safer, greener and are more energy savings than their conventional on-site-assembled counterparts. The more you know, the more you watch the videos here on MHLivingNews, the more you’ll respect today’s manufactured homes. The wisdom of MH homeowners – ranging from millionaires to all other economic groups – becomes obvious when you talk to enough of their owners. That’s what these video interviews do, give you that first hand perspective!

We’ll roll out more Inside MH Road Show episodes in the days ahead, featuring a new location and state we captured video for you. Please check back soon and share these stories about Improved Living for Less. ##


l-a-tony-kovach-manufacturedhomelivingnews-mhpronews-latonykovach-com-By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

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