Poster credit - despair. Mangifying glass credit - xinrendujia. MH Kitchen photo from Tunica Manufactured Home Show.

Impressive! Report Points to Manufactured Home Quality and Satisfaction – What All Housing Shoppers Should Know

We all know that cheaper prices can mean cheaper quality. What this federally mandated study reported below demonstrates is that the low prices found on today’s manufactured homes (MH) results in amazingly few complaints. MH is the exception that proves the rule. The reason you can save on MH and still get quality and good looks is because the factory saves time in building thus saving money on labor. By buying good building materials bulk, the manufactured home production center saves on those costs too.

The video is of a happy manufactured home owner, who talks about quality,
but it is not part of the report referenced below

Over the past eighteen months, we’ve taken-on false impressions one-topic-after-another to reveal the impressive realities about modern manufactured homes (MH).  Old myths or stereotypes melt away in the light of the facts. Our video interviews with home owners and experts are packed with insights.  You hear the truth from those who know, while seeing great looking, money saving homes.  We bring you fact-based reports on MHLivingNews, so those thinking about a housing change can consider MH based upon appealing realities.

We’ve produced video interviews that speak about the quality of today’s MH compared to other forms of housing and construction.  The graphic below shows you another side of MH quality, based upon a report issued from the federal contractor which collects the data on complaints.

The summary is this…over 99.8% of Manufactured homes in 23 states where data was gathered from 2008-2014 by a federal contractor had no DR level complaints. 99.8%! 

Savan Report commentary courtesy of Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform – (MHARR).

We’ll save you pages of their commentary, but in the graphic below is the meatiest consumer-focused part of the report emailed to MHLivingNews from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR).

We are big believers in setting the right expectations for home buyers.  I tell shoppers, expect something to go wrong, and expect some service.  That is shocking to some, but here is why it’s important to know.  An MH travels to a home site, and is so strong it basically endures a small tornado level of winds plus an earthquake before it’s permanently installed. So of course there are often adjustments to make.

Vintage trailer at RV MH Hall of Fame, where the induction diner for the class of 2015 will take place on August 3. To learn more about the evolution of trailers to mobile homes to today’s manufactured homes, click here.

When you know that going in, you aren’t disappointed. When you know you or your loved ones have a warranty that covers those needed adjustments and more, you don’t get stressed out.  You By comparison, any site-built house routinely has fixes required too, see this video by an expert housing inspector who tells the story about a huge goof on a half-million dollar conventional site-built house.

Another linked video explains the quality controls in the building center that produces the high level of satisfaction, and unlike other forms of housing, has a dispute resolution (DR) program behind it too.

New Durham Estates South, Westville, IN.

The bottom line is simple. Today’s Manufactured Homes are:




stylish and

offer major savings  © without sacrificing quality.

If you or someone you know is shopping for a new home, make sure you compare MH to your other options in your target location.  If you walk in, and see first hand the quality and value, odds are good you’ll be glad you did. More on MH facts and MH shopping tips in the days ahead. ##

L. A. “Tony” Kovach at an educational session during the Louisville Manufactured Housing Show. Tony is one of the most recognized experts on MH today.

By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.


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