
“Don’t Buy the Lies” – Pithy Letters to Editor on Current and Looming Threats

On October 25, 2020, the following “letter to the editor” was published in the Ledger. Others have since republished it too.

QuoteMarkManufacturedHomeLivingNewsI’m a European university-educated woman from Tehran. I became a U.S. citizen in 2019. I love America and my homeland’s amazing culture. In the 1970s, after years of agitation and empty promises later proven false, Iran fell to radicals following pledges of free money, utilities, etc. Radicals told lies straight from Hell.

I’m concerned similar lies repeatedly told in America deceive millions.

What happens if enough Americans vote for cloaked or openly socialist candidates on Nov. 3? Iran or Venezuela, Cuba, China and Vietnam are countries where millions tragically believed propaganda. You risk losing your liberties, as they did.

Sen. Bernie Sanders is openly socialist. He’s backing Joe Biden, as are Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic socialists. No matter how much some might disagree with President Donald Trump’s personality or style, he’s a proven anti-socialist.

Communist China lied, WHO lied, more than 200,000 Americans and more than 1 million people globally died. President Trump survived COVID-19. He’s a proven leader pre-pandemic. He’s cheerleading America’s recovery too.

My first vote will be for President Trump. It’s easy to vote Trump-Pence and those in Congress or state house races supporting their “America First” agenda. The alternative is losing your liberties. Please don’t buy the lies.

Soheyla Kovach

## End of first quoted letter to the editor of the Ledger. ##


Previously, several mainstream newspapers published this letter to the editor last summer. The next letter weaves several direct quotes, with sources cited, into an eye opener for many.


QuoteMarkManufacturedHomeLivingNewsGeorge Floyd’s tragic death was hijacked.

Never let a serious crisis go to waste.” – Rahm Emanuel, former Mayor of Chicago.

If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.” – Hawk Newsome, Chairman Black Lives Matter of Greater New York. Source: Newsweek.

We are trained Marxists.” – Patrisse Cullors, Black Lives Matter Co-Founder. Source: progressive Real News interview.

We know that in order to defend immigrants, protect DACA and defend our democracy, that Trump must be defeated this November.” – Cristina Jiménez, United We Dream Co-Founder. Source: NBC News.

Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.” – Shaun King tweet. Wikipedia says he’s the “co-founder of Real Justice PAC. King uses social media to promote social justice causes, including the Black Lives Matter movement.”

It’s no secret these individuals share socialist, Marxist or communist movement connections. Google their names, putting them in quotes, plus “Capital Research Center.” You’ll discover the sources for their funding. Donors include Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and George Soros.

Sheriff Grady Judd, Department of Justice Attorney General Bill Barr and President Donald Trump are leaders pushing back.”

Soheyla Kovach, Lakeland

## End of second quoted letter to the editor of the Ledger. ##


Soheyla Kovach’s second letter above was run in the following linked Florida newspapers, and in a Gannett publication which is part of the USA Today Network. See those linked below, published circa 7.31.2020.


In 400 words, those two letters from Soheyla reveal much for those who are willing to see things as they are, rather than as an apparently allied group of uber-billionaires want the world to see them. It is useful to keep in mind what former President Barack Obama said in the quote below.




That former President Obama quote – which is arguably accurate – should be viewed through this lens. Over 150 people in mainstream media, academia, entertainment – some of whom make millions working for well known brands like CNN, publicly ripped the growing media bias in America.




Bari Weiss, a former editor for the left-of-center New York Times quit with a letter to that firm’s top man, part of which is quoted below. Note that Weiss is a never-Trumper, and that many of those among the 150 are too. Which is to say, they are not biased toward President Trump, they are simply sharing the truth that they witnessed day-by-day.




You can read all of their letters in full – along with added commentary and information – at this link below.




Among the responses to that first letter from Soheyla was this:

kudos on a fantastic letter to the editor

Hi Soheyla,

Thanks for your letter to The Ledger editor today.  Very few Americans understand the evils of socialism and unfortunately are attracted to all the government freebies it promises to provide.

I was born in the Czech Republic, a formerly socialist country, and am very concerned that the USA is headed in the wrong direction.  Your letter was right on target!”



Another response was this:


Bravo and good for Soheyla…right on target with the issue at hand. Maybe she should send this to the national media, too, as it is an eye-opener and a first-hand observation by somebody who has been through the process that she is warning about. Well done

Both of those responses came from individuals who had lived through similar challenges before they came to America. There were others like them from those born overseas and those born in the U.S.A.

Next, consider the following.

Oct. 27, 2020, Fairfax, VA – Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement in reaction to the latest revelations of Joe and Hunter Biden’s self-dealing and corruption:

The Tucker Carlson interview with former Hunter Biden partner Tony Bobulinski is a credible full-blown indictment of Joe Biden. The former vice president illegally cashed in on his elected office. Equipped with emails, texts, recordings and other records, Bobulinski’s accusations are damning beyond belief of the elder Biden, who was known as the ‘Big Guy’.

It is almost criminal that around 40 percent of Americans have already cast their ballots without the benefit of information that disqualifies Joe Biden from serving in the office of the president, and most assuredly guarantees a bi-partisan impeachment unless he resigns.”

It would be useful to know the background of this black man interviewed at a Trump event. But in about 2 minutes, he makes several interesting observations.


The Biden Allegations and Their True Meaning

The 2020 campaign has been different than any other in modern presidential election history for several reasons. Only one is pandemic related. Another is that for the first time, a major party candidate isn’t out multiple times a day meeting with voters at events trying to win their vote. Rather, the Democratic nominee is relying upon over a billion dollars in advertising, as if ads – which have long been done by both major parties – can replace a candidate trying to earn someone’s vote.

Additionally, Senator Kamala Harris (CA-D) was so unpopular among Democrats that she dropped out before the first Democratic caucus and primary. How is it that she was ‘selected’ to be Joe Biden’s running mate?

There is real evidence that a relatively small group of uber-rich billionaires have engineered a campaign that they have helped fund, that coincides with violence calling for change that spans numerous major cities, almost all of which are run by Democrats. Note that the “independent” cities cited below are blue cities. Some cities have ‘nonpartisan’ mayors.


Law enforcement groups from coast-to-coast have endorsed President Trump for re-election.

In House and Senate contests, Democratic candidates are running with double the money that their Republican counterparts have. This belies the common belief that big money is just behind Republicans. To be clear, there are rich and famous people backing Republicans.  But there are more people in big tech, big media, Wall Street, from multinational companies that are backing Democrats. Why are these facts so little known?


Additional Information, MHLivingNews Analysis and Commentary

The answer in part is gaslighting or propaganda. Repeating a half-truth or outright lies over and over again makes the lie believable.



This notion that the media is biased is hardly new. Democratic Governor Jerry Brown warned about the very concerns this report is raising over 20 years ago in an interview in which he repeatedly made the point of how the system was rigged in favor of a few.




Anyone who thinks that the billionaire class, that billionaire Warren Buffett said is waging class warfare and is winning, is spending much money on elections is doing so for the benefit of the people are living in an illusion.





Actor Danny Glover, in the highly acclaimed documentary Shadows of Liberty said that there is a monopoly of money and information. That was years before those 150 made similar statements.


The use of these or other quotes is not to imply that the writer or publisher agrees with every other thing that the quotes person said or did. It is the quote alone that is being emphasized. Note that Glover has reportedly served on a nonprofit board that got funding from Warren Buffett.


These methods or manipulation are not new, they have existed for well over 100 years. But they have been refined. It must be recalled that Samuel Clemens, a.k.a. Mark Twain – who reportedly was a liar  himself in his own newspaper – said that it is easier to fool people than to convince them that they had been fooled.


Lots of very smart people have been ‘fooled’ over time. For example, in the business and investing world, many bought into the lies from Bernie Madoff, Enron, or WorldCom. What’s happened before, can happen again.


Perhaps a third of our readers will already be familiar with these thoughts. But many others won’t be. If you or someone you know is reading these notions for the first time, it is worth diving into the linked related reports. Because MHLivingNews has carefully documented these concerns over a period of years.

We have not only documented them, but have repeatedly given Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway attorneys an opportunity to respond. They’ve declined comment each time. The same is true for Bill Gates.

Once people have money, for many, the next thing is power. These people are trying to undermine America from within, but they are also apparently are willing to work with Communist China, one of the worst human rights abusers on earth, to undermine a president that is certainly imperfect, but who is nevertheless is fighting for everyday Americans.



A newspaper editor from a liberal ‘blue’ state in commenting on these various issues ripped President Trump on several issues. But he then made the argument that whatever personal shortcomings the 45th president has, President Trump’s agenda was proven to be better for the American people. You may agree or disagree with his ‘hits’ on President Trump, but his logic is difficult to argue regarding VP Joe Biden.


Authentic VP Joe Biden video clip: call it a
gaffe, or was it a Freudian slip?

We recommend voting for him [President Trump] anyway,” said the Spokesman-Review of Spokane Washington on Sunday 10.25.2020 about the 45th president, “because the policies that Joe Biden and his progressive supporters would impose on the nation would be worse.” Right-of- center Fox News noted that Spokesman-Review publisher William Stacy Cowles framed the election as a choice between “a wretched human being [Trump] whose policies and instincts for helping America thrive are generally correct,” versus a “doddering, doting uncle [former VP Joe Biden] who would [promise to] hand out gifts the nation can’t afford in order to win people’s love.”

Cowles argued that the policies of Biden, should he win the presidency, “would strike at the economic well-being of the country.” Biden “favors massive growth in government and a historic increase in federal spending through green initiatives, free health services, free education and other ideas grounded in reliance on the state as savior rather than creating an environment in which individual liberty and hard work can thrive.

To afford it all,” Cowles added, “Biden and a Democrat-controlled Congress would have to impose unprecedented tax increases or accept catastrophic deficit spending.”

Given that choice,” said Cowles’ endorsement, concluded by saying that, “economic policy and principle should prevail. Vote for Donald Trump.”

To underscore Cowles’ point, most Americans need their jobs and businesses to support their families. The Daily Torch reported on 10.29.2020 that “Great Again: Trump economy grows record 33.1 percent in third quarter [2020] amid rapid [economic] recovery.” That’s the higher quarterly growth, ever on record.

The data reflects that while the coronavirus continues to spread globally, here in the U.S. – which is like Europe and elsewhere are seeing rising cases – the recent data reflects that some 99.5 percent of people are recovering once they contract COVID19. President Trump, the First Family, several in the White House as well as the Biden and Harris campaign team members, have contracted the virus. So far, all have recovered.

Vaccines are on the way. Treatments are obviously working.

Catherine Mortensen for the Daily Torch listed some of the Trump Administration’s accomplishments. They linked their sources. Note that in the case of the wall on the southern border, there has been more added and progress continues since that data was published. Note too that Mortensen cites sources from across the left-right divide.



$68,703 median household income for 2019, highest ever!

56% of registered voters say they are better off now than they were four years ago.

10.5% U.S. poverty rate for 2019, lowest ever recorded!

2.81% 30-year fixed-rate mortgage,  lowest in modern history!

1.4% U.S. inflation rate.

$31.7 billion decline in U.S. trade in goods deficit with China in first eight months of 2020 compared to 2016.


Border security

371 miles of border wall completed.

53 percent drop in illegal border crossings in fiscal year 2020.


World peace

50+ hostages President Donald Trump has freed from 22 countries.

Nobel Peace Prize nominations for President Trump

peace deals brokered by President Trump with Serbia and Kosovo, Israel and Bahrain, and Israel and United Arab Emirates.


Their are sound reasons why writers from Cowles to Mortensen have made their cases for re-electing President Trump. They only underscore the points that Soheyla Kovach made at the top in her two letters to the editor.

Don’t buy the lies. As political independents, we are neither Democrat or Republicans, we see the wisdom of what publisher Cowles said “Vote for Donald Trump,” but also vote for the down-ballot candidates who support his agenda. For those who look at polls, it is worth mentioning that President Trump’s backers defied pollsters in 2016 too. It is up to voters, not pollsters.

Biden has a history of plagiarism and lies. He has had decades to do what he’s promising now. Why should he be believed now? Even the pro-Democratic, left-of-center Washington Post, raised concerns about Biden’s family money by spotlighting his four mansions. How did “lunch bucket Joe” on a relatively modest income he and his wife have get the money to buy four mansions?


Four mansions on a government salary? To see this photo collage full size, click here.

No candidate is perfect, as that black man interviewed above said. People aren’t electing a pope or a pastor. President Trump isn’t perfect either, but his flaws are there to be seen. But he has given away his Presidential salary since he took office. More important, he’s delivering results for minorities, women, and the vast majority of Americans via an America First agenda that promotes jobs, opportunities, safety and security.

Only the lies being spun the big media, big tech, and their Wall Street allies who have rigged the system would cause millions to vote for the apparently corrupt Biden-Harris ticket and their supporters. Don’t buy the lies. Repealing the Trump tax cuts – which Biden-Harris have both pledged – would hurt over 100 million everyday Americans. Your freedom and opportunities are on the ballot.

There is growing evidence that more minorities are supporting President Trump, because he delivered on his 2016 campaign promises. Alfredo Ortiz from the Jobs Creators Network is just one of many examples of such public support.


Hispanic business leader Alfredo Ortiz supports the re-election of President Trump and his down ballot supporters.



For those into affordable manufactured housing, President Trump and the First Lady Melania Trump visited manufactured home communities during his term of office. How many siting presidents have done that?



See the videos and related reports with interviews from experts and actual manufactured home owners, linked above and below to learn more. “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, lifestyle news, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.)

On 12.3.2019, following the FHFA Listening Session address and meeting, father and son hit the Hill to do various meetings with those on both sides of the political aisle. While everyone was friendly and professional, Congressman Green’s team was outstanding. This photo op was thoughtfully offered to take a picture of Tamas Kovach behind the desk of Congressman Al Green (TX-D). One of several fun photos.

(See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.

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Related References:

The text/image boxes below are linked to other reports, which can be accessed by clicking on them.

Still from video, posted further below.

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