Millions are ‘into’ various kinds of art. One emerging art form is chain saw art, and when we were recently at Sunshine Homes in Red Bay, Alabama, we caught up with craftsman Dennis Raper who showed us examples of his work.
Dennis is a supervisor at the plant. From people in the production center, to office team members, to the president of the company – John Bostick – we heard story-after-story about Dennis’ skills with wood cutting, carving and drawing too. All of that and more will be yours to see on this Inside MH Road Show video.
We also tied in scenes from the factory as well as video of some of their eye-popping factory-crafted homes.
Now, when we say ‘factory crafted,’ you’ll have a better idea of what we mean by that phrase! It is more than just a nice line. It is the lived reality of building smarter in a production center.
A few years ago, the National Association of Home Builders did a study commissioned for the federal government. It showcased the growing quality of today’s manufactured homes. We’ll show that report here on MHLivingNews, but let’s share the fact that it explained reasons why a growing numbers of home buyers find the value of manufactured homes appealing.
The federally supervised, third-party inspected quality-control that Brent Bolding described on the video linked here is the book end to this story. Good people, working in a climate-controlled setting indoors are building quality, appealing homes that are NOT you grand-dad’s trailer or your cousin’s mobile home of the past. That evolution from trailer house, to mobile home to today’s manufactured homes are the stories we share here on MHLivingNews.
We’ll have an interview with John and Pam Bostick we’ll share with you in the days ahead, along with more stories from home owners and other experts. Thanks for coming back and checking those plus others videos and reports about factory built homes here too. ##