Decorating Tip: Defining a space

photo-mhllivingnews-com The tiny house movement has insights that aren’t just for small homes.  An idea that you see in stores like Ikea is how to create smaller, private spaces within a larger one.

 Take a room divider, a chair, table, light and some mood or themed items, put them together and voila! You have an oasis in your home for reading, prayer, mediation or to relax in.

 Such defined spaces often make for a great conversation topic with your friends, who are bound to comment once they see it.

Room dividers have been making a coming back. Some room dividers have bold patterns that are reversible.image2b

 When you get a divider that has two different images, you can do a quick change in a room or space in just moments.

 If you are buying a modest-sized manufactured home, want to give your current home a make over or are looking to create an oasis within a room, think about defining a space with a chair, light, room divider and some mood setting decor.  ##

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