Videos and Special Reports

June is National Homeownership Month – Affordable Housing, Manufactured Home Research, and 2023 U.S. Housing Crisis Insights


June is national home ownership month. According to a wide range of sources, the U.S. is in an affordable housing crisis. With Biden era inflation at multiple decade high levels, interest rates on conventional housing mortgage loans have more than doubled in the past two years. A lack of affordability is an obvious issue for all kinds of housing, conventionally …

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Reflections on Death of Sam Zell and late Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) Chairman Zell’s Impact on Manufactured Home Living and the Affordable Manufactured Home Profession


The death of billionaire Samuel “Sam” Zell has and will spark an array of commentaries, among them this from the Associated Press (AP) which quoted Zell as follows. “I’m a professional opportunist,” Zell told AP at the time. “I’m pretty sure that no matter what topic you pick, we’re involved in some way or another.” That absolutely holds true for …

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With Downsizing or Moving, Is It Career Change Time? Interview Tips – ‘The Best Candidates I Meet Do This’ – Former Google Recruiter’s CNBC, plus Indeed, Career Oracle Tips and Ideas


In manufactured housing, and other industries, a variety of circumstances can lead to a desire or need for a job or career change. A move, downsizing at a company, or festering frustration at a current company can be factors that contribute to a search for a new job. In a new story by CNBC picked up by MSN, reporter Gili …

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‘Frustration and Hope’ – Law Prof Fran Quigley Slams Frank Rolfe and ‘Wall Street Holding a Gun to Mobile Home Residents’ Heads’ – Statements, Apt Manufactured Home Facts, and Expert Analysis


Law Professor Fran Quigley says that his Substack newsletter “is the product of frustration.” A 3.15.2023 post about Quigley on the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law website says he recently presented at “Manchester University on Housing as a Human Right.” It said in part that “Quigley, who directs the Health and Human Rights Clinic at IU McKinney, …

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Shock! Better Business Bureau D- Rated Flagship Communities (TSX:MHC.U) (TSX:MHC.UN) Announces 3 Manufactured Housing Institute ‘Awards for Excellence’–What Gives? Media Release, Facts & Analysis


It is important to note as a preface to this shocking report that there are scores of honorable companies that operate in the manufactured housing industry. For that reason, this fact- and evidence-supported MHLivingNews editorial report ought to be disturbing to honorable manufactured home professionals, to current and prospective manufactured home buyers, residents, and customers seeking the affordable quality lifestyle …

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Mobile Home and Manufactured Home Residents Decline Half Billion Dollar Offer – MHLiving Pride – Briny Breezes Saga Continues – Facts and Commentary


Regional news reported the $500 million (half-a-billion) dollar offer by an unnamed developer to purchase the Briny Breezes resident owned community. Briny Breezes, Inc. is an oceanfront and intercoastal waterway facing development featuring pre-HUD Code mobile homes and some manufactured homes located near Boyton Beach, FL. South of West Palm Beach and north of Delray Beach, Gulf Stream, and Boca …

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‘Choctaw, Cherokee, and the Creek’ – Indian Reservation Video with Lyrics – Justice and Injustice in America – Infographics on Affordable Housing Facts Needed for All


Perhaps the very best friend in my elementary school days in Norman, OK was Doug Humphrey. We both liked a variety of board games, and we were competitive in a friendly way. Doug was of Native American descent. As young kids sometimes do, we created a jingle – a kind of a team ‘fight’ song – for cheering on his …

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‘We Own a Manufactured Home’ – Expert in Mobile Home/Manufactured Home Living Sounds Off, Neighbor Declares – ‘You Took a Mobile Home and Turned it Into a Palace!’ – What All Should Know


Unless you are a daily or regular visitor to one of our websites, odds are excellent that you will learn several things about mobile homes and manufactured home living by reading this evidence-based article. You or a friend may own a manufactured home, and you may still learn several useful things about manufactured homes that are important to affordable home …

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‘No Shame’ – Fact Checks: ‘The 100 Largest Mobile Home Park Owners in the U.S.’ by ‘MobileHomeU, MobileHomeParkStore Data Compared to MHPHOA’s Largest U.S. MH Community Owners List


The “No Shame” part of the headline will be explained near the end of this report and analysis. That said, flashback to 2015 when The Guardian reported that Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) had “nearly” 140,000 homesites for their residents who owned either a pre-HUD Code mobile home (MH) or a post-HUD Code manufactured home (MH).  Needless to say, ELS has …

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Responding to Rob Carson’s ‘Trailers’ and Dave Ramsey ‘Mobile Homes’ Errors, Why it Matters to Manufactured Homeowners, Professionals, Affordable Housing Advocates, Media, and Public Officials


In all languages, definitions and the meanings of words matter. “A manufactured home is not a motor home or trailer, and although it is often called a “mobile home,” it is not that either,” explained the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) in their report which then illustrates why the language matters.  The NFPA report that made that pithy observation explained …

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New Research by NerdWallet, Hippo Point to Frustration and Obstacles with Conventional Housing, But Positive Options, Opportunities for Those Who Turn to Modern, New Manufactured Homes


Hippo recently published a report that said that 78 percent of those who bought an existing (think conventional) house within the last 12 months (think 2022) had “regrets.” Meanwhile, NerdWallet’s research included this statement about “The 11% of Americans planning to purchase a home in the next 12 months hope to spend $269,200, on average, according to the survey. The …

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Are You or Someone You Know Among the 25 Million Renters Who Could Buy a Manufactured Home Today? Freddie Mac Study ‘Identifying the Opportunities to Expand Manufactured Housing’ by Aw, Brown, Yea Examined


In mortgage giant Freddie Mac published “Identifying the Opportunities to Expand Manufactured Housing” by Astou Aw, Lariece Brown, and Ashley Yea, the trio make numerous fascinating statements they say are the fruits of their 2022 research. “Manufactured homes cost on average about half as much as site-built homes (excluding the land) and offer an attractive, energy efficient, resilient housing option. …

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New Report: Deconstructing Warren Buffett’s and Bill Gates Agenda Masked by ‘Charity’ – Duo’s Agenda Examined – Philanthro Feudalism, Philanthro-Capitalism, Charitable Industrial Complex


MHLivingNews and MHProNews stand essentially alone in ‘following the money trail’ in MHVille trade media when it comes to numerous issues that impact the manufactured housing industry and the homeowners of manufactured homes. That’s particularly so for those living in land-lease manufactured home communities. Voices from across the left-right spectrum have said things similar to what Democrat Robert Reich has …

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Storytellers Wanted! The Mobile and Manufactured Home Storytelling Project – Truth Tellers, Myth Busters, and Behind the Scenes Revelations are Encouraged Here


On Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 4:48 PM an email was sent by Robert “Bob” Van Cleef to Mobile and Manufactured Home Living News ( It said in part the following: “I just discovered your site while looking for responses to John Oliver’s report.  I really like what I see and thank you for your reporting. One suggestion:  Please include …

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Our Journey in Affordable Home Ownership – Challenges and Rewards of Quality, Affordable Manufactured Home Living – Hopes, Horrors, and a ‘Shocking’ Peek into Gonzo Journalism?


At the heart or core of this publication are the true stories about the opportunities and challenges of those who desire or already have affordable housing and who – consciously or not – want a manufactured home of their own. The stories of others checking out or already living in MHVille are to various degrees our story too. We have …

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