Americans watched, listened, and millions anxiously awaited news last month about just how deadly and destructive Hurricane Irma would be. But John Jenkins, featured in the first video below, live through it. Jenkins weathered the storm in his home, and can now tell his dramatic story. In Florida, where about one-in-ten live in a pre-HUD Code mobile home – or …
Read More »Elected Official Explains Surprising Modern Manufactured Homes, Video Interview
James Hanning is the Wagoner County Commissioner, and the county’s board chairman. Before speaking on camera with MHLivingNews, Hanning consulted with the county’s legal adviser. Hanning wasn’t going to make any endorsements. There were no canned or rehearsed lines. What Hanning was willing and allowed to do is speak about his professional experiences over the course of several years with …
Read More »Deadwood, the Manufactured Housing Revolution, and You
The sun rose slowly over Deadwood, SD that day. The hills and trees offered cover for a variety of animals, including big horn sheep, and mountain goats. Outside the Inn at Deadwood, the manicured landscaping yielded naturally to the glass doors that welcomed tourists, gamers, and business professionals. It was in that convention center that a recent ‘peaceful battle’ …
Read More »Time Elapsed Video Shows How 77 Homes Were Installed in 10 Days
A six-story modular/prefabricated apartment building was installed in just 10 days, by using an off-site building system. The Australian company, Hickory Building Systems, was used by developers Goldmaster Enterprises and general contractors Goodland Building Company. The goal? To achieve new standards of affordability, “greener,” sustainable building that was faster to complete the 77-unit apartment high-rise. The video gives a time-elapsed …
Read More »Manufactured Home Community Survives Hurricane Harvey, Damage Reports, and Relief Efforts
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey much of the Texas coast – especially the Houston area – has seen billions of dollars in destruction. Much of the damage is from debris flying through Category 4 winds, plus the excessive flooding after the storm dropped an estimated 19 trillion gallons of water on the state. While many homes and buildings were …
Read More »“Seek First” a Post-Charlottesville Message of Healing and Principles for America
There are some who want to use race or injustice to justify taking property. There are also those who want to misuse the political and economic system to take advantage of those who have less access to power. Economic problems, educational and moral challenges, despair and other factors …
Read More »Plastic Housing? The Amazing Story of Futuristic Micro-PreFab Homes, Video
Before their were tiny houses, there was Futuro House. Utopie Plastic has introduced a collection of futuristic appearing micro-homes. The dwellings are the newest exhibition at the Marseille, France’s Friche de L’Escalette sculpture park. As the video below reflects, there are versions of this home in the U.S. and a number of other nations worldwide. The French exhibition is viewable …
Read More »$2 Million Houses – How do they stack up to buying a new Manufactured Home?
Buying a house is usually one of the biggest purchases that a person makes in their life. So buyers naturally want to make sure they’re getting the most for their money. Some people spend millions on their houses. They may buy a premiere location, or an extravagant house, looking for a status symbol, or whatever. Meanwhile, most are spending a …
Read More »Billionaire$ and Millionaire$ Proudly Hang Out in New York Manufactured Homes, Condo Resort
Welcome to where the elite meet, eat, and greet – in the Hamptons, on Long Island, NY. Discover in this tony town, the “Billionaires’ Playground,” where the uber-rich and millionaires live by neighbors of more modest means. The common housing style? Manufactured homes. What was once a tent camping site, evolved into a mobile home park, and today is an …
Read More »“Po-Dunk” Performer Kid Rock, Eyes Senate Run, Makes Manufactured Home Living Hip
Kid Rock owns and loves a multi-sectional manufactured home, seen several times next to his Rolls Royce in his new hit music video, Po-Dunk. In one video – intentionally or not – multi-millionaire performer Kid Rock has taken aim at the stereotypes about manufactured homes, and the Americans who select this lifestyle. By celebrating the people and their homes, he’s …
Read More »Rising Renters Nation, Pew Research, Overlooked Affordable Home Ownership Solution, plus Infotainment Videos
A new report issued by Pew Research documents a trend that millions are all too familiar with. Namely, that renting households are up in the U.S. What the report doesn’t do is point out the solution that’s hiding in plain sight. The solution and videos below follow a quick look at the troubling facts and trends that Pew documented. Pew …
Read More »Separating Fact, Fiction and Using Correct Factory-Built Home Terminology
“You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.” – Daniel Patrick Monaghan (1) “How many legs does a dog have if you call his tail a leg? Four. Saying that a tail is a leg doesn’t make it a leg.” – Abraham Lincoln (2) Word, ideas, and their meaning matter. Don’t believe it? …
Read More »Correcting the Record on Housing Affordability, Manufactured Home Shoppers, & MHI
Every year, millions of Americans are looking for a new place to call home. A new report on the Daily Business News states that 1 out of 9 Americans are moving a year, per the U.S. Census Bureau. People move for many reasons. Among the top reasons mentioned are to: 1) save money, 2) and to get a new home …
Read More »At Death, What do You do with a Mobile or Manufactured Home?
This past Thursday, I spent the day in Livonia teaching a continuing professional education class about estate administration for the Michigan Association of CPAs. One of the topics I discussed with a room full of CPAs was the transfer of homes to the loved ones of the deceased. What if you own a mobile home or a titled manufactured home? …
Read More »Introducing ÖÖD – $50,000 Mirrored PreFab – and Compare
For a generation growing up in often countercultural ways, ÖÖD is bound to hit the right notes with many. But let’s take a look at what’s being said by others, and then do a quick comparison. “Prefab goes in disguise with these sleek tiny dwellings from Estonian company ÖÖD. With mirrored glass facades—reminiscent of Portuguese prefabs inspired by minimalist artists—ÖÖD …
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