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Costumes, Bridging Gaps Impacting Affordable Housing, and Manufactured Home Insights


Yesterday was Halloween, which makes today All Saints Day. In years gone by, it was customary in several Christian countries to ‘dress up’ in costumes that were supposed to remind someone of a specific saintly person. Halloween is a contraction that means “All Hallow’s (i.e.: holy, saintly) Eve” – the night before All Saint Day. Just writing those facts – …

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Freedom Isn’t Free, America, Magyar Szabadság Kör, and You

FreedomIsn'tFreeAmericaMagyarSzab adshgKorAndYouManufacturedHomeLivingNews

It is difficult to put into words the love that someone can feel for a nation thousands of miles away that you’ve never stepped foot on. But let’s try. Since the time that Adam and Eve were ejected from the Garden of Eden for errantly trusting the sly words of a talking snake, history could be seen through the following …

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Manufactured Home Residents, Small Businesses, Affordable Housing Advocates, and Investor Alert


During a widely acknowledged affordable housing crisis, one would normally imagine that affordable housing would be doing very well. While some segments may be performing well, perhaps the most proven form of U.S. affordable housing ever is struggling at historically low levels. How is that possible? Furthermore, millions of Americans who live in this most proven form of affordable housing …

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Manufactured Homeowners, Shoppers Alert – Manufactured Housing’s Barack Obama Moment


When you strive to tell the truth as you know it, consistency becomes easy. Former President Barack Obama is beloved by millions. Others opposed his policies. It is similar, albeit more intense, with the current President Donald J. Trump. Each man stands quite apart on many issues. But on at least one thing, they agree. Both men believe that the …

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Reviewing CBS News Report, “Long Live the Mobile Home”


“So, the McMansion is dead, long live the mobile home?” That was the question CBS Sunday Morning asked designer Jennifer Siegal – who is known for turning the image of ‘the trailer house” on its head. Her reply was “Absolutely.” This CBS News video was previously featured here some years ago, but it is time to bring it back for …

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HUD’s/Urban Institute’s Edward Golding Knew, Because Manufactured Housing Institute’s Lesli Gooch Told Him


First, the good news. Then, we’ll follow the good news up with what’s problematic. This will be systematic: quotes, facts, and eye-opening insights. “People live better when they have less financial stress,” Lindsey Bostick said. “They can do more of what they really want to do with their lives when they pay less for their home.” She explained that, “I …

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“Illegal Taking” Lawsuit, Rent Control Challenge, Kurt Kelley, NPR, Manufactured Housing Review


Rent control is a hot topic in the U.S. as well as in Canada. It is an issue for those in apartments or other forms of rental housing, as well as numbers living in manufactured home land lease communities. The CBC News video below spells out the challenge in multifamily housing, north of the border. It will help tee up …

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Manufactured Home Community Leader Discusses – Manufactured Housing Insanity?


What follows below is a letter to the editor of MHLivingNews from a community resident-leader. It is worth mentioning that this person has lived and owned in conventional housing before moving into a manufactured home in a land-lease community. He loves his manufactured home, as he has said on his own blog. He enjoys the community, neighbors, and lifestyle. But …

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Frank Rolfe Says “Why You Should Never Build A Mobile Home Park” – Seriously? Fact-Check and Analysis


There is no date on the article, but it appeared in a Google search on a topic that is relevant to the manufactured home industry and its current doldrums. Based upon its contents, it would appear to be less than 2 years old.   The reason that this a good look at this article is important to current owners of …

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Bacon’s Rebellion, George Mason University – Struggle for Affordable Housing, HUD, and the Manufactured Homes “Enhanced Preemption” Coverup


The truth has been hiding in plain sight for years. But politics, the revolving door, and other factors have kept Americans – living in one of the wealthiest nation per capita on planet Earth – out of the top 40 countries in the world in terms of the percentage rate for personal home ownership.   How did that relatively low …

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Zillow Home Buyer Trends Compared Conventional, Townhouse, Mobile or Manufactured Homes, Condos, and Duplexes


The data found below from the Zillow Group comes from their 2016 and 2018 research surveys of home buyer desires and actual purchases. By showing both sets of data, MHLivingNews readers will get a sense of the trends.   Properly understood, the Zillow data reveals, among other details, what people believe they wanted vs. what they in fact purchased. Before …

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Understanding the Truth About Manufactured Home Customer Satisfaction – Interviews, Surveys, Focus Group Videos, and Expert 3rd Party Research


For several years in our Inside MH Road Show series of videos, MHLivingNews interviewed politicos, experts, but also homeowners of various builders of manufactured homes. Those video interviews are real people, who own actual homes and were not paid for their comments. We’ve learned over the years that manufactured homeowners gladly tell their stories, because they want to be part …

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Alert – National Association of Manufactured Homeowners (NMHOA) Warning Sign?


To understand the warning and/or alert noted in the headline, some background is useful.   Dave Anderson is the Executive Director of the National Association of Manufactured Homeowners Association (NMHOA). Prior to NMHOA Anderson was the executive director with the Minnesota-based All Parks Alliance for Change (APAC).  Both ‘resident’ organizations state as their mission to benefit and protect the rights …

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Manufactured Home Financing, Prosperity Now – Following the Money


“Credit is the lifeblood of housing.” – Eric Belsky, then with Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies.   “Pay more attention to what people do than what they say.” – Marty Lavin, JD, prior finance and GSE consultant, manufactured home lending, years of experience in manufactured home retail and land lease. Lavin is a Manufactured Housing Instiute (MHI) award winner …

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Monopolization of American Dream, Telling the Inside Story of Home Ownership Gone Awry


Superficially, manufactured housing is an easy to understand product, service, and industry. It costs far more to build a house on site – so-called ‘stick building’ – then it does to build one in a factory and was permanently installed on a buyers preferred home site. It costs more to build apartments than it does a manufactured home community. The …

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