Affordable Housing Focus Group

There are several ways to learn about various types of affordable housing options.


Affordable housing is huge and growing topic in the U.S., Canada, and in nations around the world.  So MHLN decided to hold an affordable housing focus group.


The focus group in this video are made up primarily of retirees. While all age groups are facing this challenge, as you watch this video, you’ll understand why insights from those who’ve experience a range of housing types proves useful.

Each member of the focus group personally experienced various kinds of housing options.


While several of the focus group members were apparently financially ‘well set,’ they still opted for affordable housing.

They are not alone, as there are millionaires and others across the country who’ve opted to live better, with less stress, by deliberately living more affordably.

This is the first part of a planned multi-part video with this focus group.

You may be surprised by the insights you may discover from the start of this discussion. ##


Surprised by the Truth, While Shopping for a New Home

(Third party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)

SoheylaKovachManufacturedHomeLivingNewsManufacturedHousingIndustryDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews-Submitted by Soheyla Kovach to


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