Search Results for: HUD Secretary Carson

President Trump, HUD Secretary Carson, Creating Jobs, by Supplying the American Dream – sans Taxpayer Subsidies


Millions of Americans want the dream of home ownership to become their reality. More than half a century and trillions of dollars in spending have demonstrated that the noble intentions of the federal “War on Poverty” launched by President Lyndon B. Johnson has failed to move the needle. The poverty rate remains about the same now as then. Meanwhile, affordable …

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HUD Secretary Ben Carson Speech on Manufactured Homes, “Manufactured Housing…Active Ingredient…Medication…for a Stronger America.”


The text that follows has one edit, Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Joe Stegmayer’s name was misspelled, and we’ve edited in links to other reports that we’ve published that HUD Secretary Carson’s comments confirmed. Those links have an * at the end of that hotlink. Otherwise, the text is as shown. Manufactured Home Living News (MHLivingNews) will follow this up with …

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Washington Post – Protests of HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Manufactured Housing Institute, by MHAction, New York Communities for Change, CarsonWatch – An Inside Look


A recent Washington Post (WP, the Post, or WaPo) report about a recent protest made it clear that manufactured housing is an important part of the solution to the growing affordable housing crisis in the USA. Here is part of what the WP report said. “The average price of a “stick-built” home in January was $382,700, according to the Census …

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HUD Secretary Ben Carson and Senator Thom Tillis Discuss Affordable Housing and Manufactured Homes, Video


Readers should deliberately allow the words spoken by Senator Thom Tillis and HUD Secretary Ben Carson, MD, about manufactured homes, and pre-HUD Code mobile homes to speak for themselves in the video that follows.     MHLivingNews is pairing the Secretary Carson and Senator Tillis video with a separate but related affordable housing focus group video, shown below.     …

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American Dreamers and HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson; How Millions Could Win by Enforcing the Law


The American Dream has long been defined as including home ownership.  While there are several positive economic signals in the early weeks of President Donald Trump’s Administration, it will take some time for millions to see their incomes go up enough to allow them to do what most of their parents or grandparents achieved – a home they could call …

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Manufactured Housing Association Declares Big Step vs. Exclusionary Zoning with Acting HUD Secretary Adrianne Todman in Meeting


The following items are adapted by Manufactured Home Living News (MHLivingNews). from a news release from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR). While the text is as provided by MHARR, the format and images may differ from their release. Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) announced methods discussed with Acting HUD Secretary Adrianne Todman to overcome zoning …

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Edward Hussey-‘To be Clear, Madam Chairwoman, There is Nothing Wrong with the 2000 Law. The Manufactured Housing Improvement Act Doesn’t Need to be Amended. The Issue is Implementation by HUD’


During an affordable housing crisis, the best known, most proven solution to that troubling challenge for millions requires no federal subsidies or new legislation – HUD Code manufactured homes – oddly remains thwarted. Those apparently artificial obstacles exist despite often supportive federal laws. As part of our periodic series of reports with analysis to better understand the issues involved, the …

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Rise and Fall of HUD Code Manufactured Housing 1995-2023 – Story of the U.S. Affordable Housing Crisis Behind the Facts


“When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear.” – Thomas Sowell “The puzzle is why there’s so little (manufactured housing) being shipped when it’s a much better product than it used to be,” said Laurie Goodman, an Urban Institute fellow.” Millions of Americans …

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Association Warns ‘Stunning’ Consumers-Business Impacts by DOE Energy Regulatory Stance for HUD Code Manufactured Homes – DOE Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm Remarks – Facts/Analysis


The Department of Energy (DOE) asserts new regulations will save low-to-moderate-income households money. But a Manufactured Housing Association on 12.12.2023 called the pending regulations “Stunning and Unworkable” -asserting that they impacts will cost more than savings claimed by the DOE.   [Note: the following is adapted by ( from a press release]. WASHINGTON, D.C., UNITED STATES, December 14, 2023 …

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Responding to Rob Carson’s ‘Trailers’ and Dave Ramsey ‘Mobile Homes’ Errors, Why it Matters to Manufactured Homeowners, Professionals, Affordable Housing Advocates, Media, and Public Officials


In all languages, definitions and the meanings of words matter. “A manufactured home is not a motor home or trailer, and although it is often called a “mobile home,” it is not that either,” explained the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) in their report which then illustrates why the language matters.  The NFPA report that made that pithy observation explained …

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Affordable Housing, Conventional Housing, Mobile Home, Manufactured Home, and Modular Housing Conundrum – What U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Research Revealed


“The first step in solving a problem is to recognize that it [the problem] does exist.” Zig Ziglar, per Brainy Quote. When it comes to the affordable housing crisis, over thirteen months ago a seminal report was published on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Policy Development and Research (PD&R) website. Mainstream media largely missed it, yet …

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Research-Data-Stats – Media & Investigator Resources – Mobile Homes, Manufactured Homes, Manufactured Housing Research – HUD, Univ-Studies, CFPB, Nonprofits, GAO, NFPA – Exec Summary, Definitions, Facts, Trends, More


500-word Executive Summary. Decades of third-party research from the late 20th century and throughout the 21st century demonstrate that HUD Code manufactured homes are the most proven form of affordable housing in U.S. history. Nevertheless, concerns and confusion about manufactured homes and industry brands exists. Evidence and applied common-sense suggest that several brand-related concerns are valid. Mainstream media reports often …

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USA Seemingly Stumbles, Affordable Housing Crisis Deepens – HUD OIG Complaint Hits Office of Manufactured Housing Programs Teresa Payne, HUD Sec Marcia Fudge – Why it Matters to Most Americans


Inflation. Afghanistan. Supply chains problems. Southern border. COVID19 vax mandates. Soaring housing costs. A series of apparent blunders and oversteps of authority are behind Joe Biden’s plunging approval. Which makes it odd at best that the National Housing Conference (NHC) President and CEO’s David M. Dworkin, who has spoken favorably about support for manufactured homes, recently said to fellow “housers” …

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HUD’s Own Report Confirm Alarms – HUD Officials, Manufactured Housing Institute Leaders Duck Charges of Racial Bias, Dereliction, Thwarting Racial Equity, More in “Plant A Home” Program


Words may sound good but are at times proven to be devoid of meaningfully matching action. A new HUD PD&R report effectively confirmed and amplified several findings in an August 2021 research report and analysis on MHLivingNews entitled “Why So Few Affordable U.S. Homes? Federal & Other Research – Monopolies, Moats, Manufactured Housing – Impacts Renters, Current Manufactured Homeowners, Conventional …

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Pre-Buffett NIMBY and BANANA Revelations – Not in My Back Yard —Removing Barriers to Affordable Housing – HUD Research Included Manufactured Homes – Tents vs Manufactured Housing?


Prejudice and ignorance are not bliss. Bias against affordable housing and/or manufactured homes are costly to most of society, save a few well-connected elites. In fairness, over a decade before the self-described “atheist” dark lord of Omaha entered the manufactured home industry, Americans were understandably complaining about a lack of affordable housing. Part of the problem was and remains NIMBY …

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