Search Results for: Affirmatively Further Fair Housing

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, a Novel Yet Proven Solution to the Affordable Housing Crisis That Will Create Opportunities, Based Upon Existing Laws


Affordable quality housing is one of the most critical issues of our time.  So too is affordable home ownership, which should be the ideal goal over rental housing. A challenge is zoning and land use, which is highly politicized, and thus is often misunderstood.  What follows is adapted from the comments letter addressed as shown below.  This features a video …

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Manufactured Housing Association Declares Big Step vs. Exclusionary Zoning with Acting HUD Secretary Adrianne Todman in Meeting


The following items are adapted by Manufactured Home Living News (MHLivingNews). from a news release from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR). While the text is as provided by MHARR, the format and images may differ from their release. Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) announced methods discussed with Acting HUD Secretary Adrianne Todman to overcome zoning …

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Democratic Black-Hispanic-Asian-Pacific Caucus Leaders PR Effort to Get Biden-Harris to Keep Promises to Minorities on AFFH Housing Rule-How Affordable Manufactured Homes Fit-‘Art of Possible’


“Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable — the art of the next best.” So said Otto von Bismarck, per GoodReads. The Political Dictionary in the “Art of the Possible” explained it like this: “The “art of the possible” is idea that politics is a matter of pragmatism, instead of idealism. According to this worldview, politics is a …

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Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) Publishes White Paper Concerning Pending Manufactured Housing “Chassis” Legislation, Financing, and Other Matters


The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) is quite aware of the sharp downturn in manufactured housing. MHARR is the only national manufactured housing trade association known to publicly report new manufactured home production data monthly.  Their goal as a trade association is to protect and expand manufactured home sales, not limit them. So, the following from MHARR position …

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Double-Digit 2023 Manufactured Home Production Slide Continues, per National Manufactured Housing Association-More New Manufactured Home Living Facts


Manufactured Housing Association Regulatory Reform (MHARR) provides updates on July 2023 and Year to Date Manufactured Housing Production-Shipment Data per IBTS for HUD WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S.A. September 6, 2023 The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) reports that according to official statistics compiled on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), HUD Code manufactured housing …

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For Manufactured Home Owners or Affordable Housing Seekers, Encouraging Understanding and Solutions with Facts and Honest Experiences – Leading Others by Example


Affordable housing is in a well-documented crisis and the causes for the housing crisis are well known. Articles on this site provide documented evidence, third-party research, and other insights that explain why pre-HUD Code mobile homes and post-HUD Code manufactured homes are the runaway most proven source of permanent affordable housing in the United States. The latest site data for …

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‘Statutes Should Prohibit Restrictive Zoning Standards for Manufactured Homes’ says Law Prof. Daniel R. Mandelker ‘Org Needed for Manufactured Housing Advocates Litigation and Legislative Support’


“Getting Zoning for Manufactured Housing Right” is a working paper published by the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy authored by Daniel R. Mandelker. The Lincoln Institute says the following about Mandelker. “Daniel R. Mandelker is the Howard A. Stamper Professor of Law Emeritus at Wash U Law and is one of the nation’s leading scholars and teachers on land use …

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Responding to Rob Carson’s ‘Trailers’ and Dave Ramsey ‘Mobile Homes’ Errors, Why it Matters to Manufactured Homeowners, Professionals, Affordable Housing Advocates, Media, and Public Officials


In all languages, definitions and the meanings of words matter. “A manufactured home is not a motor home or trailer, and although it is often called a “mobile home,” it is not that either,” explained the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) in their report which then illustrates why the language matters.  The NFPA report that made that pithy observation explained …

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“Lies, Damned Lies and DOE’s ‘Energy’ Rule” – Construction News Today said re: Manufactured Housing Institute – ‘MHI Does Not Represent Entire Manufactured Home Industry’ – MHARR, TMHA Insights


This article will include two different items provided courtesy of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), the Texas Manufactured Housing Association (TMHA), Construction News Today, and other sources that merit being paired as they are below.   MHARR – ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES  BY MARK WEISS MARCH 2022 “Lies, Damned Lies and DOE’s ‘Energy’ Rule”             Well, the various …

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HUD’s Own Report Confirm Alarms – HUD Officials, Manufactured Housing Institute Leaders Duck Charges of Racial Bias, Dereliction, Thwarting Racial Equity, More in “Plant A Home” Program


Words may sound good but are at times proven to be devoid of meaningfully matching action. A new HUD PD&R report effectively confirmed and amplified several findings in an August 2021 research report and analysis on MHLivingNews entitled “Why So Few Affordable U.S. Homes? Federal & Other Research – Monopolies, Moats, Manufactured Housing – Impacts Renters, Current Manufactured Homeowners, Conventional …

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“Why We Fight Manifesto” – Decades Manufactured Housing Research Studies – Federal, University, Nonprofits, Others – Facts & Data, Problems w/Solutions for Affordable Housing and Modern Manufactured Homes


Manufactured homes are the most proven form of affordable housing in America today, period. Nothing else comes close. That is not an empty or boastful claim. Rather, that statement is based on decades of well-documented facts and evidence. There are numerous research studies, mostly from third parties to manufactured home interests, that document that some 22 million Americans live in …

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Manufactured Home Buyers, Current Mobile/Manufactured Homeowners – Do You Want Lower Cost Manufactured Housing Loans? Practical Legal Insights – Facts & Analysis


Why is there so little competition in the manufactured home lending market? While there are several interlocking factors, one of the simplest points to make is that the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not doing the robust lending in the manufactured home market as they are doing for conventional housing. What follows is a step-by-step explanation based …

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Pre-Buffett NIMBY and BANANA Revelations – Not in My Back Yard —Removing Barriers to Affordable Housing – HUD Research Included Manufactured Homes – Tents vs Manufactured Housing?


Prejudice and ignorance are not bliss. Bias against affordable housing and/or manufactured homes are costly to most of society, save a few well-connected elites. In fairness, over a decade before the self-described “atheist” dark lord of Omaha entered the manufactured home industry, Americans were understandably complaining about a lack of affordable housing. Part of the problem was and remains NIMBY …

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June National Homeownership Month, Historic – “2 Million Houses a Year” – NHC Spotlights Walter Reuther Plan Could Lift Conventional Housing, Manufactured Homes, and Build Wealth for Millions of Americans


“The more things change the more they stay the same.” That’s the common translation of what French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr wrote in 1849 – “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose,” per Wikipedia and Quora. Over 66 years ago, in 1954, a well-known leader at the time named Walter Reuther made the call for building 2 million new …

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Letter to President Trump on Race, Billionaires, Economic Injustice, Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, and Advancing the American Dream

LetterPresidentTrumpPhotoRaceBillionairesEconomicInjusticeAffordableHousingManufacturedHomesAdvancingAmerican DreamManufacturedHomeLivingNewsLogo

President Donald J. Trump, It is clear that the mention of your name causes rapid division between people of good will. You have strong supporters and strident opposition. What those who seek the truth should wonder, what is real, false, or somewhere in between? Where do you as president and a candidate for reelection stand on the authentic issues of …

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