When Bad News is Good News and Modern Manufactured Housing

For many in the mainstream media, bad news is good news, because it routinely sells more newspapers, magazines, books or advertising. For example, the top story today isn’t that over 330,000,000 million Americans don’t have Ebola, rather, it’s that a handful in the U.S, did or do – and one foreign visitor died – who brought the deadly disease with him.

The common media practice of “if it bleeds, it leads” all too often is applied to manufactured housing (MH) too.

But the truth about MH is far better than so many have been lead to think about manufactured homes, based on hyped-up lead ‘news’ stories. You’ll see that satisfaction and quality are found in modern manufactured homes, from the video with a happy MH home owner, shown below.


Rodney Rollison, Adventure Home owner,
home purchased from Williams-Burg Square.

Manufactured Housing Done Right

Stacey Epperson lead Next Step has a “tag line” you have to love, “Manufactured Housing Done Right.” The implications of those 4 words are loaded with potent meaning! Can you do MH wrong? Sure, just like you can take a perfectly fine car and drive it off the road. But the ‘car in the ditch’ is most often the result of avoidable driver error – or failure to maintain the car, tires, etc. – rather than a design flaw with the vehicle.

In the case of driver error, do we blame the car? Or do we blast all cars because some have accidents? Of course not.


Photo credit Diss Express, UK.

That why-is-the-car-in-the-ditch example could often be applied to manufactured homes (MH). Most MH aren’t in the ditch! Most do amazingly well!


Photo credit – Dothan Eye News.

But those in the media who only show the “if it bleeds, it leads” stories, are arguably harming everyone by doing so.


Because “manufactured homes done right” is the answer that tens of millions of Americans are seeking, and they may not realize that their nearby MH retailer, developer or community has the solution they want, need and deserve. Thus, we believe that hearing from those who live in modern factory-crafted homes and those who are in our industry is so important.

 A Periodic Series of Video Interviews

Manufactured Home Living News – and our trade industry sister media site,MHProNews.com – have featured articles and quotes from firms we have no current business relationship with, as well as with those we do. In other words, we do what the New York Times, Fox News  or any other media does. We go where the stories take us!

I share that to say when something sounds so incredible, it isn’t because it is an “ad” for a “client.” It’s because the truth properly told is powerful.  


Yes, that two story home behind Ryan Schmidt, right,
is a manufactured home. Video linked below.

With that introduction, let’s take a look at another video interview from a recent trip to Ohio, where we interviewed a business with an A+ Better Business Bureau rating and lots of awards and plaques on the walls.

We interviewed about half a dozen home owners who all lived in under an hour’s drive of each other.

bobbi-lepi-real-estate=credit-zanesville-ohio-posted-mhlivingnews-com-We also interviewed a local realtor – Bobbi Lepi – about her impressions of these amazing manufactured and modular evan-atkinson-credit=williams-burg-square-posted-manufactured-home-living-news-com-homes shes seen and sold; and then we interviewed one of the business’ owners – Evan Atkinson from Willams-Burg Square – too.

We will be rolling out these video interviews over time to share with readers and viewers like you!

We also plan to do more of these interviews with other home owners and professionals in other parts of the country. Why?

Because there is far more good news about manufactured housing than bad news.

With –

  • over 10,000 “baby boomers” retiring daily,
  • millions of young “millennials” looking for quality affordable living,
  • incomes down for most Americans over the past 6 years,
  • the need for quality, appealing affordable homes at a new high

…the time for sharing the good news about modern manufactured homes is now.

We will continue to spotlight stories the mainstream media gets right or wrong, while we also show that manufactured home living is the wave of the future. Having personally owned and lived in all kinds of housing – including manufactured homes – we know from first hand experience the many advantages of modern manufactured and modular homes!

That’s our story, and we’re sticking to it! ##

l.a.tony_.kovach-publisher-manufacturedhomelivingnews-com-mhpronews-com-mhc-md-com-1By L. A. “Tony” Kovach

Editor’s Note: Modern manufactured homes have a number of “unfair raps” over the years. These are often based on some things that may have been true say 40-50 years ago, but no longer are accurate today.

For example, when the wind blows, “mobile home owners” are routinely told by weather reporters to leave their homes and get in the ditch if necessary. But did you know that deaths outside of mobile or manufactured homes are counted by weather services the same as if the death took place inside the home?  That’s what we’re told by informed sources.


1 of 16 photos from Actress Betsy Russell’s
2 million dollar manufactured home.

When you or a friend are shopping for a home, you need to look with open eyes at the facts and modern realities.


NBC News – site built house on left suffers catastrophic failure under same conditions as the
least expensive manufactured home on the right survives. See the video report, linked below!

Related Facts and Videos:

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